Attic: photo ideas of original, beautiful and practical living rooms under the roof of the house

Contents The arrangement of the attic: study, bedroom, game room, living room, lounge, etc. Finishing Skylights Attic stairs Lighting Color choice Beautiful interiors Attic was once considered as a non-functional room between the ceiling and the roof of the house, as well as a place for storing unnecessary things. ...
  • Excursions from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the best in the city

    Day trips from Tel Aviv is a unique opportunity to visit the most interesting and famous places of the country in a few days. Israel will surprise any tourist: someone will be struck by Bethlehem and Jerusalem, while someone will be interested in natural attractions. As in any country with a developed tourism industry, in Israel there are many companies and travel agencies that provide foreign guests with one-day excursions in the Holy Land. ...
  • How to adjust the compartment door, expert advice

    Many people have faced situations when the doors of the closet closed tightly and looked skewed. To avoid deformation of the door closing system, you will need to eliminate all problems. Many people are looking for information and want to know how to adjust the doors of the closet, for this you can contact a specialist or fix the defect yourself at home. ...
  • Find out the difference between pelargonium and geranium? What are their types and varieties?

    Many lovers of indoor plants still mistakenly call a fragrant plant with large and bright umbrella inflorescences geraniums. The real name of this flower is pelargonium. As early as the 17th century, Dutch scientist Johannes Boorman hypothesized that geraniums with pelargonium are not the same plants, despite the fact that their appearance resembles each other. ...
  • Overview of doors for sliding wardrobes, and their features

    A sliding wardrobe is an excellent solution for a small apartment, where you need to save space in every possible way. Precious space is maximally preserved thanks to the design of the doors. They do not swing open, as in the classical version, but move apart. The doors for the sliding wardrobe are installed with the help of wheels on special runners or rails, so they slide so easily back and forth without interfering in the aisle. ...
  • Overview of pantographs in a closet, selection rules

    Thanks to the successful selection of a sliding wardrobe or wardrobe system for the bedroom, living room, children's room and even the corridor, you can significantly save living space. This becomes especially important in a small apartment, the area of ​​which is very small. The high functionality and practicality of such furniture cannot be ensured without thoughtful internal content, and pantographs for sliding wardrobes are one of the important elements. ...
  • Screens for radiators: decorative cover for unsightly interior elements

    Today, modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of heating appliances, but nevertheless, many new apartment buildings install standard batteries, and residents of old apartments remain completely with the Soviet accordion models. Not everyone has the opportunity to replace the batteries with modern ones (and this is not always advisable), and old ones may not fit into the updated interior. ...
  • Beautiful and useful Scutellaria baicalensis - composition, medicinal properties, contraindications

    Many of us like to grow different plants at home or in the garden. Some for beauty, to please our eyes, others for use in everyday life. And there are those that have a number of medicinal properties. One of these is the helmet, about which our article will be. We learn in more detail what diseases this unusual plant helps to cope with, what specific healing properties it has. ...
  • Recommendations on how to make a Phalaenopsis orchid blossom at home

    Phalaenopsis orchid is a delicate and capricious plant; sometimes it is very difficult to achieve its repeated flowering. The beginning flower grower should know at the stage of acquiring the flower how to care for it in order to achieve magnificent flowering. In the article we will tell you what to do if the plant does not bloom, and also what care at home should be provided in order to stimulate flowering? ...
  • Description of the rhododendron of Yakusemansky and its varieties. Rules for caring for this type of plant

    A flowering shrub is a real find for decorating any garden or garden. One of the most beautiful decorative cultures remains the rhododendron Yakushimansky. It is also called "rosewood." With full care of it, flowering will be plentiful and long. In this article, we consider varieties with a detailed description and photo. ...
  • White furniture in the interior

    Contents Living room Bedroom Kitchen Work room It is generally accepted that the most advantageous option is mahogany furniture with a noble, unobtrusive fiber pattern or, for example, oak furniture with a wood pattern in the form of heart-shaped rays. However, white furniture in the interior has no less advantages, the main of which is that it will never look bulky, even if it contains many components. ...
  • Earnings on social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram on likes, groups, reposts - step-by-step instructions on how to create a group, win subscribers (likes) and earn real money

    Hello dear readers of the magazine Rich Pro! Today we will talk again about ways to make money on the Internet. The topic of this article is earnings on social networks. In one of our issues, we wrote how to make money on the Internet without investments, described most of the ways to make money online. Now we’ll take a closer look at how you can earn money on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, including promotion and promotion in social networks. ...
  • Which ceiling to choose

    Not so long ago, everyone either whitewashed the ceiling, or papered with wallpaper, or painted with enamel. Now, thanks to the rapid development of technology, the modern market offers all kinds of finishing materials. Therefore, choosing one or another version of the ceiling, it remains to focus only on your taste and financial capabilities. ...
  • Wall hung toilet: in a modern interior

    Not so long ago, hanging toilets appeared in the bathrooms and bathrooms of our compatriots. In foreign homes, this plumbing innovation has already managed to gain popularity and occupy its niche in the field of interior items that help to save usable space and time for cleaning it. ...
  • Eclectic design - striking examples of the design of a modern living room

    Modern eclecticism is a style for lovers of traveling and bringing all kinds of souvenirs from all over the world, collectors and collectors, creative personalities and just homeowners whose preferences in interior styling are not yet defined or so vast that it is difficult to single out a favorite. ...
  • Simple ways to paint furniture facades, important nuances of technology

    Sometimes, every person wants changes in his environment, for example, to completely remake the interior in a room or in the kitchen. Painting of furniture facades will help to fit old cabinets into a new environment. This measure helps to significantly save on replacing furniture sets and choose the color of new rooms, not limited to shades of existing things. ...
  • The leaves turn yellow and dry at the edges of the geranium: why is this happening and how to deal with it?

    Geranium is a bright perennial plant with an unusual tart smell, the inflorescences of which are large and lush, and the leaves are soft. Such a flower can grow indoors and outdoors, cold-resistant and unpretentious in content. With proper care, the flower will delight its owner with spectacular buds and healthy leaves. ...