Dubai's most popular beaches - which one to choose for your vacation

Dubai is recognized as one of the most comfortable places on Earth for relaxing by the sea: the gentle sun shines all year round, the sand is fluffy and soft, the water is very clean, and the entry into the sea is shallow and gentle. The beaches of Dubai - and there are a lot of them - are divided into free city and private hotels. Many public beaches have special "women's days" when men have no right to rest there - in most cases, such days are Wednesday or Saturday. ...
  • Photo, description and care of varieties of multi-flowered petunia: Tornado, Glafira, Multiflora

    Multiflowered petunia is one of the most beautiful ornamental crops that many flower growers have come to love. And this is not surprising, because it is presented in various colors, has long flowering and is unpretentious in care. You can use this type of garden petunia for decorating landscape design, since her flowers are not large, and rainfall in the form of rain is not terrible for her. ...
  • How to care for spathiphyllum in winter and is it possible to transplant a plant? As well as other helpful suggestions

    Often there is a similar phenomenon among indoor plants, when the flower always pleased with beautiful lush flowering and bright green foliage, then everything disappeared. The leaves began to fall, the shoots stretched, growth stopped. And this is not surprising, because after a period of flowering and active growth comes peace. ...
  • How and when do you need a begonia transplant, especially after purchase and during flowering? Home Care

    Begonia is an ornamental plant grown at home to create flower arrangements on the balcony or in the garden. Many varieties of this flower were bred, resulting in species such as flowering, ornamental and deciduous. An important point in the process of care for begonia is transplantation. It has a number of features, and must be performed in compliance with all the rules. ...
  • Corner layout of the kitchen - 2018 design

    Repair of the kitchen space is always a stumbling block for owners of both small-sized apartments and spacious private houses. Too many elements of the interior must be taken into account, many dilemmas to solve and plan the entire course of the repair even at the stage of sketching the image of the room. But in most cases all these decisions need to be made for a room of very modest sizes, often with complicated geometry and an "original" arrangement of communication systems. ...
  • Country style cottage - closer to nature

    In the silence of the park or near the forest, a country-style house looks organically. Such a design, both inside and outside, is made of natural materials or their imitation. The advantage of this structure will be a combination of natural colors and textures that is pleasant to the eye. The facade of the house resembles a rustic log house made of timber. ...
  • Fleshy creeper - Hoya Karnoza: description and photos of species, especially the cultivation and care

    Hoya carnosa (Hoya carnosa), or fleshy - this is a succulent vine, which is used as an ornamental plant grown at home. Due to the excellent appearance and unpretentiousness in the care, the plant is in great demand among gardeners. A wide variety of varieties allows you to create a mini-garden in your home. ...
  • DIY mill: step-by-step workshop

    Owners of a house or a summer cottage know firsthand that to create an attractive appearance for the whole territory you need to make a lot of effort. At a minimum, basic lawn care is required. And of course, do not forget about landscape design and additional decor of free space. ...
  • Hallway and corridor design in a modern dwelling

    Most often, owners of apartments and private houses turn to the repair of the entrance hall and corridors at the very end of the housing alteration. By that time, the resources of homeowners are depleted - there is no time, no money, no creative ideas and desires for their implementation. But the hallway is the hallmark of any home. ...
  • The brown living room is a symbol of stability, reliability and tranquility.

    Decorating the living room in brown tones, a wide field opens up for designer creative imagination. Moreover, this shade can be used in the interiors of absolutely any style. Brown is considered natural as well as neutral with a very rich spectrum of different natural shades that bring stability and solidity to the interior. ...
  • Making the right lighting in the bedroom

    The issue of lighting must be thought out in advance in the process of finishing a bedroom, as At this stage, it will be easy to lay the necessary cables in the wall, as well as to mount the lamps in the necessary zones and bring the communications for ceiling lighting. This point must be taken into account, because radically redoing the entire lighting system after a major overhaul will be much more difficult. ...
  • Plexiglass apron

    A kitchen apron is one of the most important details in the design of the kitchen, because the kitchen panel occupies a significant area and performs a protective and decorative function. For its manufacture, organic glass has recently been used since the material has excellent technical properties. The main difference between plexiglass and silicate is that plexiglass cannot be broken even with a hammer. ...
  • DIY mill: step-by-step workshop

    Owners of a house or a summer cottage know firsthand that to create an attractive appearance for the whole territory you need to make a lot of effort. At a minimum, basic lawn care is required. And of course, do not forget about landscape design and additional decor of free space. ...
  • Beauty "bird of paradise" or Strelitzia flower: photos, types and nuances of home care

    Strelitzia, or as it is popularly called "Bird of Paradise", is one of the most beautiful and unusual flowers in the world. The plant got its name due to the attractive shape of flowers resembling bright flying birds, with colorful beaks and crests. These flowers are widely used today to create attractive and interesting landscapes. ...
  • Consumer loan - how and in which bank it is better to take it at a low interest rate + TOP-5 credit organizations where you can get a consumer loan without income and guarantor certificates

    Today's publication is devoted to a popular topic - consumer lending. We will tell you what a consumer loan is, where and how to get it on favorable terms, in which bank it is realistic to get a consumer loan without income and guarantors at a minimum percentage. From the proposed article you will learn: What is called a consumer loan and what are its pros and cons; Which distinguish forms and types of consumer loans; What stages need to go through to get money for consumer needs; Which bank is better to take a consumer loan with a minimum interest rate; Where loans are issued without references and guarantors; How to make the necessary calculations. ...
  • Description, care features and photos of various varieties of meadow geraniums

    Meadow geranium is a grassy street perennial plant, one of the Geraniev family. It has several additional names - crane, stork, stolenets. This plant is wild-growing and grows freely on forest edges, fields and meadows located in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. ...
  • How to cook pancakes at home

    Pancakes are a dish that are popular in the USA and Canada. Before serving, pour them with sweet syrup. The name comes from the words "pan" and "cake" - a frying pan and a cake. In general, in appearance, shape and preparation - this food is similar to the usual pancakes. They are also served for breakfast and sprinkled with plenty of syrup or honey. ...