How to plant, care for and propagate the pelargonium of April Snow? Possible pests and diseases

Pelargonium variety April Snow or April Snow is one of the most popular today.

The variety belongs to the rosaceous, so the plant boasts decorative buds resembling small roses.

April snow is the favorite of many gardeners, and in the article we will consider in detail the features of growing this pelargonium, learn how to care for the bush so that the plant enjoys long and lush flowering.


April Snow is of Swedish origin.: bred in the Sutarve nursery - a place known for many bred hybrid varieties of geraniums and pelargonium. The variety is zonal rosebud, has unusually airy, inflorescences similar to delicate marshmallows.

Reference! The variety is interesting in that it can bloom in different ways under different conditions. So, at home, small pale buds with china shimmer often grow, and in the open air there are large hats covered with a delicate pink blush.

External features

Pelargonium April Snow is highly decorative. Its inflorescence consists of many lush roses, really resembling a snowdrift. The edges of the petals are white, the middle of the bud is light green: the combination looks very gentle. Outside, the petals are cast in pink, which gives the buds a decorative glow. Under the sun's rays, April snow buds shimmer beautifully with different colors, which further enhances the attractiveness of the flower.

The leaves have the shape and color typical of geraniums.. They have an emerald dark color and a characteristic brownish strip in the middle.

The diameter of April Snow buds is not the largest among the rosebud varieties, but the number of buds is one of the largest. Caps of inflorescences in this variety are very lush and dense, giving the plant a unique charm.


We will find out what conditions of detention it is necessary to ensure April Snow, so that this pelargonium feels good.

Lighting and location

Pelargonium April Snow needs plentiful lighting - This beauty will grow well therefore in the summer and on the street. If the plant is grown in the house, put the April Snow pot on the most well-lit window sill.

Advice! To ensure uniform bush formation, when growing April snow on a windowsill, turn the pot from time to time. This measure will help the lateral shoots from all sides grow evenly.


Pelargonium feels good in moderate temperatures. This plant does not need heat, strong cooling for April snow is also undesirable. The optimal average daily temperature is + 15-18 degrees: due to such resistance to moderate temperatures, April Snow can safely grow in the summer, even in the gardens of the middle zone and Siberia.

In winter, it is necessary to provide the plant with an even cooler content temperature: + 12 + 15 degrees. The measure will help during the rest of April snow to form a sufficient number of flower buds for the next growing season.

The soil

So that April snow grows well, does not hurt and delights the eye with lush buds, plant needs nutritious, loose and well-drained soil.

Soil is recommended to be purchased ready-made - in stores it is sold marked "for pelargonium". Such soil contains all the necessary components in the optimal amount, fertilized and disinfected.

If there is a need to prepare the soil mixture on your own, take the following components:

  • sod - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

Such a composition is best suited for April Snow. Do not forget to disinfect the soil only when preparing the soil mixture yourselfso that the plant does not get sick in the future.

It is customary to change the soil for April Snow once a year - usually the procedure is carried out in the spring, if necessary, replacing the old pot with a new larger one. However, it must be remembered that the new pot should not be too large - otherwise April Snow may refuse to bloom, go into the green mass. It is optimal to take a new container 1-2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.


Consider the main points to care for this beautiful plant.


April snow needs regular but moderate watering. The plant reacts quite sensitively to the quantity and quality of water, therefore, in this regard, it is necessary to be more careful.

Important! Overmoistening is unacceptable: the roots of the plant are quite tender, and prone to putrefactive diseases. In summer, watering can be more plentiful and frequent - as the topsoil dries up, but in winter it is necessary to significantly reduce the number of moisturizing procedures.

It is recommended to loosen the soil after watering the plant to ensure lightness and breathability in the soil. This measure will prevent the development of root and stem rot so dangerous for April snow.

Top dressing

As regards supplementary nutrition, April Snow has shown standard requirements in this regard. Feed the beauty-pelargonium with complex mineral formulations intended for this type of plant. In winter, April Snow does not need top dressing.


In order for the plant to overwinter safely, if it is grown outdoors, do not forget to bring the pot into the room in the fall. April snowing is better at winter in cool temperatures: subject to this condition, it is more likely that numerous lush inflorescences will ensue.

It is important to provide the plant with a room with good ventilation and not too humid air. Compliance with these recommendations will help prevent fungal rot so common in rosebuds. A small crowding of plants will also help protect April snow from the fungus: you should not place the pots close to each other in winter.

The dormancy period lasts for these pelargoniums from two and a half to three months: approximately from November to February. As daylight hours increase markedly in mid-late February, April Snow begins to come to life and wake up.

Other points

In addition to the listed care measures, regularly remove dried leaves and inflorescences of the plantto preserve the decorativeness of the bush and nutrients for its healthy parts. In winter, it is not recommended to put the pot with this plant too close to the window pane, since such proximity to the street cold can cause frostbite on the leaves.

Pests and diseases

Pelargonium April snow, like other types of indoor plants, can also be in danger in the form of a variety of diseases and harmful insects. Next, we find out which of the diseases and pests affect April Snow most often.


This disease is a dangerous root rot, incurable fungal pathology. The disease is associated with excessive watering of pelargonium, and the spores of the fungus fall into the soil due to insufficiently good disinfection of the soil before planting.

Since it is impossible to cure the black leg, you will have to part with the diseased pelargonium (the apical stalk can be cut off for further rooting). And to prevent a dangerous disease, be careful about watering the plant, do not allow waterlogging, disinfect the soilif you cooked it yourself.


Excessive watering can lead to the appearance of watery soft bubbles on the leaves of the plant - edema. In order to get rid of the misfortune and not to receive, in addition to it, rotting of the roots, immediately stop watering the pelargonium. And at a reduced rate of watering, it is necessary to keep the plant until the swelling has completely passed.

Aphids and Whiteflies

These harmful insects infect April Snow more often than others. To get rid of them, use systemic insecticides. And to prevent pests, Inspect plant leaves more often for insect larvae.


Although they say that the propagation of rose-bearing pelargoniums is a very lengthy and complex process, it often leads to failures, if a number of certain requirements are met, everything will work out. Further, we will consider in detail the main points on the propagation of April Snow: we will consider only the method of cuttings, because the rosaceous pelargonium reproduces at home in this way.

  1. Cuttings must be cut from a large, healthy uterine plant. The more powerful and stocky the cuttings you cut, the more strong and well-flowering plant you will eventually get.
  2. The length of the cut apical shoot should be about six to seven centimeters. The lower leaves and inflorescences must be carefully removed to prevent them from decaying underground.
  3. The slice is slightly dried in air, after which the stalk is rooted immediately in the ground. Water rooting in this case is not very suitable, since the rosette of stalks in the water often rots before the roots are released.
  4. The container with the handle must be put in a well-lit and warm place - the southern windowsill will do. After about 2-4 weeks, the shoot takes root. When the plant is a little stronger and well rooted, it is transplanted into a real pot.


We met with one of the most beautiful varieties of rose-bearing pelargoniums - April Snow. This variety is distinguished by its unique external decorativeness, combined with not too complicated requirements for care and maintenance. Using the advice from the article, you can easily grow a full-fledged healthy bush, well-flowering and not susceptible to disease.

Watch the video: .How to care Geranium Plant in summer. Singh Garden Tips (October 2024).

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