Why use succinic acid for orchids and how to do it right?

Succinic acid is a natural substance that is characterized by an antitoxin effect. It strengthens the defenses of a living organism, improving its life processes.

And this applies not only to the human body. Recently, succinic acid has been actively used to fertilize indoor plants, including orchids.

What it is?

Succinic acid in industrial conditions is extracted from brown coal. For decorative flowers, it serves as a kind of biostimulants. So, it cannot completely replace mineral fertilizers.

The peculiarity of the drug is that it is not able to harm the flower even in case of an overdose, since the plant itself will not take anything superfluous. Succinic acid does not tend to accumulate in the soil, it quickly evaporates under the influence of air and light.

What are the properties of a substance?

Using this tool for processing orchids, the following effect is achieved:

  • active foliage;
  • restoration of turgor;
  • the formation of new roots;
  • peduncle bookmark;
  • increased resistance to various diseases of orchids.

Succinic acid tablets are growth stimulants for orchids. In addition, they are able to neutralize toxins in the ground.

Is it possible, how to water and why?

Not just possible, but necessary. When watering, part of the drug settles on the cortex. Even after the excess fluid drains into the pan, it will nourish the lower roots of the orchid, stimulating their growth and forming new processes.

Reference. To restore the orchid after a transplant or illness, it is recommended that watering be done once every 7 days.


Substances containing in the composition of the drug are stimulants. This increases the immunity of the flower to diseases and pests, and also activates its growth. Succinic acid can be used for:

  1. glaze;
  2. spraying;
  3. soaking seeds.

When is the best time to use?

Home orchids are tender and capricious plants, which are partly affected by diseases. With the help of their additional treatment with succinic acid, it is possible to increase the flower's resistance to negative environmental influences, accelerate growth and strengthen the roots and the aerial part.

Besides, use these tablets is necessary in the presence of toxic components in the soil and the plant itself. Acid helps microorganisms that are concentrated in the earth quickly destroy all toxic organic substances.


The peculiarity of the drug in question is its absolute safety. It has no contraindications when used for feeding orchids. The main thing is to choose the right dosage and observe the treatment regimen.

How to fertilize?

In fact, rubbing the leaves of the orchid and watering it with a solution of succinic acid is carried out simultaneously. Spray the plants first, and then moisten the soil with the remaining solution. Only during flowering, spraying the flower with a solution is not recommended.

How to breed?

Only with the right dosage is a pronounced effect achieved. For watering and spraying, a solution obtained from 1 g of a substance diluted in 1 liter of water is suitable.

  1. First, pour a little warm water into the container.
  2. Add the drug, and then add the remaining liquid.

Store this solution is allowed no longer than 3 days. To obtain 1 liter of 0.01% amber solution, you need to add 0.9 liter of water to 0.1 liter of the main. Although they are not afraid of a strong concentration, because the acid has zero toxicity. The 0.02% solution remains universal. To do this, take 1 g of acid and dissolve in 2 l of water.

How often to feed?

Important! Despite its safety, succinic acid should not be used intensively and often.

Use all stimulants for the development and growth of orchids no more than 1 time in 7-14 days. In addition, after use, it is imperative to assess the condition and reaction of the plant to top dressing.

Fertilizer preparation

How to dilute pills?

How to use it in tablets? To get a nutritious solution for orchids, you need to carefully grind the tablets to a powder state. Take 1 tablet of succinic acid in 1 liter of water. In diluted form, the substance is not noticeable. To achieve this, dilute the product in a glass of water, and then bring to the required volume.

How to make a solution from a powder?

If you use succinic acid powder, then it is taken in an amount of 2 g and dissolved in 1 liter of water. Just make sure the liquid is warm. In addition, prepare a solution for watering or spraying the plant right before use, since the active substance quickly decomposes and loses its beneficial effect.

Instruction manual

How to water?

To maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance of orchids, it is necessary to regularly treat it with succinic acid. The best option is watering. When the soil is moistened, succinic acid penetrates the soil and saturates the root system.

Watering occurs in a standard way. If a lot of solution gets into the pot, you need to wait for it to drain into the pan, and then remove the liquid from it. It is forbidden to lock the delicate roots of the flower, as this is fraught with their decay.

Watering orchids with a solution of succinic acid in the spring and summer, when there is a period of intensive growth.

On a note. With the onset of autumn and winter, all processes are inhibited, the orchid is resting, so it is better not to stimulate it.

How to wipe the leaves of a plant?

Florists are quite actively using this method of using succinic acid. How to process the leaves?

  1. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in the finished solution and wipe the surface of the sheet plate.
  2. To remove the drug after 2 days, gently wipe the leaves with a clean cloth.
  3. Moisten it in water at room temperature.

A solution of succinic acid is used to spray the flower. To do this, pour it into the spray bottle and carry out the treatment once every 2-3 weeks. This will allow you to grow new leaves on the stem.

When processing plants make sure that the succinic acid solution does not fall on the base of the leaf. He will linger there longer than the recommended time and lead to decay.

The consequences of improper handling

If the fertilizer is not used correctly, the orchid can be harmful. To prevent this, it is necessary to strictly observe the processing time and concentration of the drug. It is possible to maintain a plant in good condition if it is treated once a month.

Damage from succinic acid can occur when used during flowering. This will cause the flowers to fall. This effect is associated with the fact that the plant will begin to grow actively, and all its forces will be thrown to the formation of roots and new leaves.

Where and how much to buy?

Succinic acid can be purchased at any pharmacy and without a prescription. The cost of the drug is 7-9 rubles.

Succinic acid is an excellent top dressing for orchids. Its active components are quickly absorbed by the flower, leading to its active growth. With proper treatment, the plant receives reliable protection against diseases and pests. it is only important to strictly observe the dosage and frequency of top dressing.

Useful video

Succinic acid is a green doctor for orchids. Watering and processing of leaves:

Watch the video: Янтарная кислота для орхидей. Приготовление рабочего раствора. Succinic acid for orchids (October 2024).

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