Is it possible to keep an orchid at home: is it poisonous or not, as well as harm or harm to the human body?

Orchid is a beautiful and unusual indoor flower. It simply fascinates with its attractive appearance. Despite this, the orchid can not always be grown in the house, because it can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

There is an opinion that it is poisonous and dangerous to health. And in order to understand this, it is necessary to consider all the benefits and harms of this flower in the apartment. We will talk about this in detail in the article. It will also be interesting to see a useful video on the topic.

What is harmful?


Orchid - the classic representative of the vampire flower. Is it harmful? Enchanting with its beauty, the flower almost falls in love with itself at first sight and, thus, takes away all life forces. The reason is the intoxicating aroma of orchids, which intensifies at night and can have harmful effects on the body. Because of it, a person develops such symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • anxiety;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear.
IMPORTANT: At this time, all diseases of the nervous system may worsen.

Poisonous plant

So is it poisonous or not? This question can be resolutely answered in the negative, orchid is not a poisonous flower. Only some of its species can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. But here it all depends on the individual sensitivity of the person. Learn more about the features of the course of allergies to orchids in adults and children, as well as on prevention and treatment methods, in a separate article.

In addition, according to a study by the Cherevchenko group, orchids can have phytoncidal properties. The statement that the orchid is poisonous can hardly be called true, since almost everyone has consumed food and products with its addition.



First of all, orchids literally attracts everyone with their attractive appearance. It carries a number of positive properties. The usefulness of a flower depends on the particular variety (about what unusual varieties are there that strike with their appearance and give positive emotions, find out here). For example, in Mexico, Lelium is actively used. This flower is used for food; in France, manufacturers of ice cream and cream add leaves of this plant.

Invaluable health benefits are the variety Venus slipper. It is widely used in traditional medicine. To prepare the broth, a part of the plant is taken, which grows above the ground. An infusion of this color copes with migraines, loss of appetite, and insomnia. In addition, this composition perfectly strengthens the organs of the cardiovascular system and normalizes its work.


ATTENTION: Despite all its beauty and benefits, the flower has its negative sides. Sometimes it can become a mortal danger. But this rule does not apply to all varieties of orchids. Some representatives of the flora contain dangerous components that lead to the development of cancer cells.

So it is better to keep the plant away from children who cannot yet give an account of their actions and eat a leaf of a flower during the absence of adults. Also it is important to be careful when transplanting orchids, it is better to use gloves.

It is believed that wounds formed from cuts by the roots cannot heal for a long time, and they are also life-threatening. The wound from a cut with an ordinary leaf can remain inflamed for a long time, bleed and not heal for a long time. But such a phenomenon is extremely rare.

What are different varieties for humans?


Such a beautiful flower in some cases poses a mortal danger. The plant will have a harmful effect or not depends on the variety of orchids. Tropical orchids are harmful to the home, but hybrid varieties are what you need.

So, the following varieties are classified as harmful orchids:

  1. Cymbidium.
  2. Wanda.
  3. Sarkohimus.
  4. Fragmipedium.


In fact, there are much more varieties of orchids that are allowed for cultivation at home.. But most often flower growers choose these options:

  • Neofinetia.
  • Aranda.
  • Miltonia.
  • Cumbria
  • Ludisia.
  • Mokara.
  • Vaskostilis.


Orchid is a magnificent and "royal" flower. He beckons with his appearance, unusual shape and color of flowers. But only not every species of it is suitable for growing a house. So, when choosing an orchid, be extremely careful. Otherwise, it is fraught with serious health problems.

Watch the video: Fixing yellow leaves on Orchids - The case of my sick Vanda, now healthy! (January 2025).

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