Practical tips for getting rid of aphids on an orchid

A beautiful orchid pleases the eye and fascinates with unique flowering. Such a small insect as aphids can disrupt the appearance of a plant, drink juice from it and turn it into a “dried skeleton”. The fight against this pest is complex and lengthy: individuals are less than 1 mm, it is difficult to completely destroy them even with chemicals. In this article, we will look at how you can deal with white aphids and other species in order to get rid of the parasite.

What is this pest?

The insect is part of the squadron. In total, there are more than 4 thousand species, of which 1 thousand live in the European region. Aphids are characterized by gathering in large colonies, settlement on garden and domestic plants. The parasite sucks juices from leaves and young shoots, is a carrier of plant viruses.

What does it look like?

Body length rarely exceeds 1-2 mm. The shape is diverse: ellipse, egg, drop. The color of the body depends on the specific species. Indoor plants affect aphids in black, white, green or red. Most often, the shade of the body cover corresponds to the color of the plant on which the individual parasitizes. The body is covered with fluff and hairs. The juice is drained using a sharp proboscis. The peculiarity of the view is excellent vision.

What types exist?

Parasites (aphids) are divided into 2 large groups: with wings and without. Representatives of the first subspecies quickly spread, change plants. Flightless individuals mostly breed. There is also a more extensive classification.

  1. Aphids. Most often affects indoor flowers.
  2. Mealy. The color of the body is cream, the shape is oval. Parasitizes on greenhouse and domestic plants, citrus fruits.
  3. Potato. The individuals are wingless. It affects vegetables; in winter it settles in greenhouse and indoor flowers.
  4. Cherry. The difference is a bright black color. They live on cherries, cherries.
  5. Aphid lives in the steppe, forest-steppe. It lives on cereals (wheat, barley).
  6. Leaf or grass. Lives only in the summer, eats seedlings. It also affects lawn grass and indoor flowers.

How to detect an insect on a plant?

You can detect infection by a number of characteristic signs. During a visual inspection of the plant, it is necessary to pay attention to the lower plate of the leaf, stem and shoots, buds and flowers.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage and the number of pest colonies. Typical signs include deformation and twisting of foliage, decay of peduncles, and growing dark spots on the stem.

Attention! Also, during infection, all parts of the orchid can be covered with a sticky wax liquid.


Below you can find out how white aphids and its other species that affect the orchid look like.

Consequences of infection

The danger of a parasite is the absorption of nutrients and infection with toxic elements. The vital activity of aphids on an orchid leads to the death of tissues, and then to the complete destruction of the flower. The secretory fluid secreted is an excellent medium for the reproduction of soot fungus spores, and it can also attract other unwanted guests - ants.

Among the main consequences are:

  • flower tissues die;
  • bulging red-violet patches appear on the leaves;
  • a healthy orchid turns into lifeless and dried garbage.
Reference! Carries aphids by humans or pets. There is also a risk of buying an already infected plant in a store.

A pest appears when an orchid is transplanted into another soil, where the larvae live. Provokes active reproduction of individuals poor-quality care and inattentive attitude.

How to fight at home?

For the treatment of an infected plant, folk remedies, biological preparations or pesticides are used. They resort to the help of the latter only when aphid colonies cannot be eliminated in easier ways. When using chemicals, it is important to comply with safety regulations. and carry out processing outdoors (or in a well-ventilated area).


The group of drugs is additionally divided into species depending on the place of penetration of the insect into the body.

  1. through the cover (Neoron, Permethrin);
  2. through the proboscis - the oral apparatus (Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Arrivo);
  3. poison the juice of the plant (Bi-58).

Folk remedies

They have a less powerful effect. It is advisable to use at the initial stage of infection, with a small number of parasitic individuals or on weakened flowers. A proven recipe is to make a soap solution. For cooking 1 tbsp. l liquid soap diluted in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is wiped with leaves. The tool is also used to prevent the appearance of aphids.

Other folk recipes - a decoction of rose hips, an infusion of citrus fruits, cooking onion water. Such means are allowed to spray the orchid several times a day. Disinfecting elements or a pungent odor will force the aphids to leave the plant.

Comparison of folk remedies and chemicals

Sign Folk recipesChemicals
The basisSubstances with a pungent odor, natural ingredients - soap, spices, parts of plants, vinegar.Broad-acting insecticides.
EffectIt does not come immediately. It takes several repetitions.Noticeable on the next day. Protective properties last up to 30 days.
Number of repetitionsSpray daily. It is allowed to repeat up to 4 times a day. The general course of the struggle is 5-7 days without a break.The maximum number is 3 times. Be sure to observe the interval between procedures of 5-7 days.
Special conditionsSafety for humans and animals.Strict adherence to the instructions, spraying outdoors.

Further, a visual video on how to provide first aid to an orchid in the fight in aphids:

What to do to save the flower - step by step instructions

  1. Orchid Isolation. Having noticed the first signs of infection, the flower needs to be separated from others, since aphids are prone to rapid parasitization and damage to neighboring plants.
  2. Orchid flushing and bud removal. You can wash the leaves with soap and water, then be sure to tear off the affected parts. Soap has a disinfecting and antiseptic effect. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the summer in the fresh air, in the winter - in a ventilated room. Actions will help with a small number of parasites. If colonies have grown, more radical methods are required.
  3. The use of drugs or folk remedies. In a squeak of effective folk methods, there are:
    • Rosehip broth. Soak 100 g of fruit for 24 hours in 1 liter of water, then boil for 10-20 minutes. Strain the mixture, sue. Spray the orchid 2 times a day for a week.
    • Infusion of citrus. Ingredients - 30 g of dried peels of lemon, mandarin and orange. Pour raw materials 1 liter of boiling water, withstand 2-3 days. Infuse the plant 2-3 times a day until the pest disappears.
    • Onion water. Chop the onion and bring to the consistency of the slurry, pour boiling water, leave for 6-7 hours. Strain the solution, spray it with the plant 2 times a day. The full course of the struggle is 3-5 days.
    • Essential oil. You can take peppermint oil and tea tree. Dissolve 10-15 drops of liquid in 300 ml of warm water. Spray for 2 weeks. The product will not have an effect at air temperatures above 25 degrees and at high humidity indoors.

Among the popular chemicals - Spark: double effect (complex insecticide). This is an ambulance for indoor plants. Release form - powder, tablets. Dilute 10 g of the substance in 2 l of water, then treat the orchid.

Florists often use Aktara. Release form - a dosed package. For spraying, you need to dilute in 1 liter of warm water a third of the bag. Another effective remedy is Tanrek. Feature - the destruction of aphids within 60-80 minutes. Poisoning properties for the parasite remain in the leaves for up to 20 days. To prepare the solution, you need to measure the required volume with a syringe, then pour it into a plastic bottle. Dosage - 1 ml per 2 liters of water or 5 ml per 10 liters of water.

Preventive measures

Prevention of re-infection - ensuring a comfortable environment for orchid growth. It is important that the humidity does not fall below 60%. The leaves of the plant should be sprayed regularly. After water procedures, be sure to look at the areas between the leaves and in the middle of the stem - there should not stagnate water, as this causes rot.

Important! Fertilizing should be treated responsibly. Their excess or deficiency is attractive to the pest. It is important for the florist to observe the regimen and the recommended dosage.

The next preventive measure is a regular inspection of the flower for the first signs of infection.

You can avoid re-infection by placing sources of a pungent odor next to the pot - chopped garlic, wormwood twigs, geraniums. Transplanting an orchid, it is necessary to disinfect the new soil. A pot of earth should be placed in the freezer, in the oven, or spilled soil with boiling water.

Aphid is a dangerous small insect that leads to the death of parts or the complete death of a flower. You can get rid of parasite colonies with the help of folk or chemical agents. When using them, it is important to follow the instructions. Quality care, examination of all parts of the orchid and regular spraying with weak biological solutions will help avoid re-infection.

The following is an informative video about conducting pest prophylaxis for orchids:

Watch the video: ORCHID CARE: HOW TO KILL SCALE, MEALY BUGS and APHIDS ON ORCHIDS 1080p (October 2024).

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