The arrow of an orchid has faded: what to do next with the peduncle and how to care for the plant?

Our beloved exotic beauty is blooming - it is beautiful. All, without exception, households are impressed by such a miracle. The owner of the orchid should be praised, because this process indicates competent care, which protects the flower from direct sunlight, does not overcool and does not overheat, and maintains sufficient humidity in the room. So that in the future there would be no problems, I want to tell you what to do with the flower stalk after flowering, and what to do if it dries.

General information

Peduncle is a temporary process on which inflorescences are located. The orchid releases an arrow after a period of rest, when it rested, gained strength (about why the orchid does not release a peduncle and how to make it do it, read here). With the advent of the peduncle, the flowering process begins: buds are formed, which subsequently grow, develop, bloom.

The flower stalk is involved in the development of inflorescences, nourishes them with moisture, nutrients. After the flowering stage, we can say that this body performed its function. But it is not worth trimming the arrow, especially if it is healthy and green. Soon, new flowers or babies may appear on it (we talked about this orchid baby and how to grow it on a peduncle).

You can find out more about what an orchid flower stalk is and how it appears, here and what needs to be done after the plant has released a flower stalk, read here.

Recommendations after flowering

When the orchid has faded, the next phase begins - dormancy. Experienced flower growers believe that this particular period of time is ideal for trimming arrows that have faded. But this is different for different varieties, in most cases - the middle or end of autumn. Despite the time frame, it is possible to cut off the flower stalks only after they have completely dried up, when there are no more living buds (you can find out why the flower stalk dries and what to do here).

Attention! If you cut it “according to the living,” then we will certainly harm the plant, weaken it. All forces will be spent on wound healing.

If you do not cut, the exot can throw out young arrows, on which buds or buds will appear. Such a phenomenon will significantly weaken the orchid, and in the future will lead to its degeneration. Therefore, in order for nutrients to accumulate, the plant gained strength and energy, it is better to remove the stem. Nevertheless, the best option is to let the orchids independently determine when the flowering process will begin, and when there will be dormancy.

Next, a visual video of what flower stalks look like after flowering and recommendations on what to do with them ?:


Below you can see what the flower stalk looks like after the orchid has blossomed.

Is cropping mandatory?

First of all, examine the flowering process, its condition, how it behaves. You need to make sure that it is dry. Signs of drying indicate:

  • loss of shape;
  • discoloration, gradually turns pale, becoming yellow, brown or even brown;
  • acquires a certain softness, fades.

When the stem is completely dry, pruning can be done. However, if the arrow has not completely dried out after flowering, it is better to wait a bit with pruning. It is useful for supplying plants with moisture, various substances. Premature removal will lead to stress for exotics; subsequently, recovery can drag on to six months.

Pruning is not advised to perform in the presence of a green tip, which may be signs of future flowering. Also do not touch the faded arrow if the kidneys are swollen on it. In this case, you can remove the dry area to the green part or just above the kidney.

Why leave a flower stalk?

The appearance of buds

In orchids, dendrobium varieties, faded bulbs are not able to resume the process, but can be green for a long time. And when yellowing, they dry out, leaving the plant more strength for the formation of young pseudobulbs. In the case of phalaenopsis, additional flowers really get. The branch lengthens, buds and even side branches, shoots appear.

Reference! Repeated flowering, usually less lush, not bright, but the opposite also happens, the flower does not spend energy on creating a new peduncle, because it already exists.

It is not always possible to achieve additional flowering; there are no guarantees that new buds will wake up. Careful care does not help either. The flower stalk can stand for a year and eventually dry out from old age. In addition, the flower devotes all its energy to maintaining old peduncles, while at the same time slowing down the development of new ones.

Getting kids

According to experienced gardeners, children appear on the peduncle at elevated temperature and humidity. It is necessary for the orchid to create the so-called stress at home. That is, not to resort to any operational action, but only a change in the microclimate and the usual mode will be required.

  • The daylight hours are up to 14 hours a day. Limit direct sunlight, the best option is ambient light.
  • Temperature differences up to 5 ° С. In this case, the daytime temperature will be + 25-27 ° С, the night temperature, respectively + 15-17 ° С.
  • The minimum limits of humidity are 40-50%.
  • Watering scarce.
  • Do not use mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers.

If, subject to all of the above factors, nothing has changed, it is necessary to resort to more active actions - artificial stimulation of the kidneys. A similar technology is based on the use of cytokinin paste.

  1. Before starting the procedure, the paste should be brought to room temperature.
  2. Choose a green, dense peduncle and a lower, healthy kidney.
  3. Carefully, using tweezers, separate the thin scaly skin.
  4. At this point, the kidney is light green in color.
  5. With a cotton swab, moisten the prepared section of the peduncle with water.
  6. With a small needle, evenly apply a thin layer of paste to the kidney.
  7. The result will be noticeable no earlier than 10 days from the date of the procedure.

The active substances that make up the cytokinin paste are phytohormones that provoke active cell division. However, it is worth paying attention that at the same time no more than 3 buds are recommended to be treated with the drug on one peduncle. Otherwise, the plant will not receive in sufficient quantities of nutrients important for proper development. Do not forget about maintaining the specified microclimate parameters in the room.


A healthy peduncle will easily serve as a breeding material.. From it you can get cuttings for the further cultivation of orchids:

  1. after flowering, recommends cutting green peduncle;
  2. we divide it into pieces of 3-4 cm so that in the middle there is a sleeping kidney;
  3. sprinkles all sections with activated carbon in the form of a powder;
  4. we place the cuttings on moist sphagnum moss in a small greenhouse;
  5. we maintain the temperature there + 25-27 ° С and high humidity.

There is another option for grafting:

  1. Put the faded peduncle into a container with water and fertilizers.
  2. Put her in the sun.
  3. Spray cuttings regularly with the drug "Dr. Foley starter."

As a result, all the kidneys will wake up, and the long-awaited children will appear.

If it is dry

If the peduncle is still green, and the tip begins to turn yellow, you do not need to cut it. For an outwardly attractive appearance, you can cut off the dry tip. Only completely dry peduncle is removed entirely, which will give strength to restore the orchid.

For the elimination process, you will need a pruner or a sharp knife. Disinfect all instruments well in advance.

  1. Carefully trim all dry parts of the plant.
  2. The stump should remain no more than 2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle a live slice with an antiseptic.
  4. After drying, cut off the sealed place with molten wax.
  5. If there are dry leaves, roots, remove in the same way, but without wax.
  6. Do not water the flower for 7-10 days, let it recover.

Next, a visual video of how to cut a dried flower stem after flowering:

Further plant care

After the operation, it is best not to touch the orchid.

  1. Minimize watering.
  2. Exclude top dressing.
  3. Limit the duration of exposure to light.
  4. Lower the temperature.

And with the onset of spring, we return everything to their places.

  • Maintaining a comfortable temperature in summer: + 22-25ºС, in winter + 16-18ºС.
  • Lighting is required diffused, with a daylight duration of 14 hours.
  • Humidity within 50-60%. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room.
  • Every 2-3 years, you need to change the soil.
  • Moisten once a week, in between watering the soil should completely dry.
  • Water should be used soft, filtered, with a temperature of 35-40ºС.
  • Fertilize orchids 2 times a month, especially during the flowering period. Apply minerals based on potassium and phosphorus.
  • It is better to spray the flower up to 5 times a day.

Now the future of the flower stalk, after the end of the main function, decide at your discretion. Allow it to dry completely, allow repeated flowering, or use for further propagation. In any case, follow the instructions, and everything will be fine with your plant.

Watch the video: Jealous Gods Full Feature Film (October 2024).

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