Peduncle of an orchid: what is it and how does it appear?

Cultivation of indoor flowers in our country is considered a common hobby. But still inexperienced growers are afraid to plant orchids because of their exotic origin and capricious nature.

Therefore, I want to talk about the features of the harbinger of flowering plants - peduncle. Explain where the arrow has a growth point, which means the appearance of a peduncle on the shoot and what conditions contribute to its flowering.

What it is?

The flower stalk is a part of a stalk on which buds appear. The flower process consists of sleeping and flower buds, from which, respectively, in the future will appear buds or children. Sleeping buds remain dormant until flowering ends. From sleeping buds, a lateral peduncle or mini plants may appear.

Reference! In Dendrobiums, the bulb plays the role of a peduncle. And the most common flowering varieties of representatives of orchids are considered Phalaenopsis and Cymbidium.

Exactly Cymbidium is known for unusual flowering.: large, brightly colored inflorescences, are located on the arrow, approximately 70-80 cm in length. This cut process can often be found in flower shops, in the department of exotic plants.

How is it different from other parts?

The flower arrow, as a rule, has a plain juicy green color. It is covered with small scales along the entire length. The peduncle grows in different ways: bending, in the form of a pigtail, or rush vertically upward or deviate in any direction. It is in the process of growth that the flower-bearing process cannot be touched. Especially, transplant the plant.

At the first centimeters of growth, the arrow of an orchid can be confused with other parts of the plant. However There are 3 main signs of difference between the peduncle and aerial roots:

  1. The location of the peduncle is more predictable, in contrast to the roots. The flower-bearing process appears from the sinus of leaves, that is, the place where the leaf is in contact with the stem. And the root grows at the base of the root neck between the leaves.
  2. The flower-bearing arrow has a pointed tip, similar to a beak, and the root has a blunt, round nose.
  3. The flower stalk is covered with the rudiments of scales, a green tint. And the root has a smooth structure.

Also, an arrow called an orchid stem. Although in fact, these are two different parts of the plant. Buds are attached to the peduncle, and leaves are attached to the stem.

Where does the arrow have a growth point?

The arrow growth point is located in the axils of the leaves, but there are cases when the peduncle grows directly from the outlet. It seems that such a process will not bring anything joyful. Indeed, in the future, the orchid will not be able to release a new leaf, and when the central peduncle dries soon, there will also be no children. As a result, the plant is waiting for death.

However there are Dutch hybrid varieties in which the arrow grows from the center. At the end of flowering, a new process appears on which the children form. After the children are fully formed and sedimented, the plant again produces a peduncle. Here is such a feature. Read more about what a baby orchid is and how to grow it on a peduncle, read here.


Below you can find a photo of the orchid flower stalk, which shows how it launches it and where the new shoot comes from.

How long is growing?

The appearance of an arrow in a plant indicates a future flowering process., which occurs in different representatives of orchids at different times:

  • phalaenopsis blooms all year round;
  • cymbidium - from October to February, and then also in the summer;
  • Dendrobium blooms in October and lasts until January.

It all depends on the growing conditions. Mostly bloom 3 times a year, and during breaks they rest and recover. The total growth time of the peduncle, from pinching to the complete formation of buds, is up to two months. For a large number and good quality of flowers, the plant should be provided with watering, heat and nutrients.

What does the appearance of a flower-bearing shoot mean?

Arrow - the first sign of imminent flowering. Under favorable growing conditions, it reaches a height of 80-100 cm. And carry up to 80 flowers. With its appearance, the flowering process begins: buds are formed, which subsequently grow, develop, bloom. The flower stalk is involved in the development of inflorescences, nourishes them with moisture, nutrients. The duration of the flowering stage reaches an average of 3 months.

Also, the peduncle is involved in reproductive function. On a hatching peduncle, with perfect care, children can form. They germinate at the end of flowering, and rests on the peduncle until complete formation.

Important! When the baby has 3-4 roots and a couple of leaves, it is cut off for independent growth.

Why does not appear?

The lack of flowering, namely the flower stalk, upsets the owners of plants. To correct the situation, the main thing is to figure out the reasons.

Incorrect lighting

Orchid - a shade-tolerant plant, but this does not mean that they absolutely do not need sunlight. As a result of a lack of lighting, flower stalks do not appear, sprouted - dry out, as well as leaves, aerial roots, buds that are completely unformed. It is at this stage that a lot of light is needed. If the bloom falls in the fall or winter, when daylight hours are reduced, re-exposure is recommended. To do this, choose a phyto lamp.

However, intense, bright lighting is generally harmful to plants. Scorching sunlight can leave thermal burns. In the summertime, shade the scorching light with a tulle curtain or other improvised means.

Low humidity

High air temperature and low humidity are dangerous parameters for plant life. Moisture rather quickly evaporates through the leaves, and the roots do not have time to nourish in time. The critical humidity level is 30-40%.


The temperature regime is important for the appearance of the peduncle. Orchid is mostly heat-loving plants, respectively, the temperature in the room should be maintained at + 25-27 ° C in the summer, in winter + 22 ° C is enough. However, do not place pots near heating appliances.

Oversupply or malnutrition

Frequent use of mineral fertilizers does more harm than good. This process is reflected in this way: the nascent process of the peduncle is dried and the leaves, roots, buds fall during the flowering period.

On the other hand, a lack of nutrients negatively affects the development of the plant.

Attention! Before and during flowering, the plant should be fed with substances based on potassium and phosphorus. But make sure that everything should be in moderation, and the dosage is strictly according to the instructions.

Wrong watering

This factor can negatively affect the state of the root system. Excess moisture or the use of cold water is fraught with such consequences:

  • supercools the roots;
  • the development of rotting processes;
  • the appearance of infections.

If, with all observance of the rules, there is no result, you can stimulate flowering. Stimulation should be done to stimulate. Arrange temperature differences between day and night by 5-10 ° C and artificial drought, by minimizing watering.

Caring for a plant at the stage of peduncle formation is of no small importance. After all, without attention, the flower-bearing organ that the orchid started can dry out without forming inflorescences. In total, the long-awaited flowering will not come. Do not be lazy, and surround your exotic beauty with care.

Watch the video: NUMMULAROIDES CUTTING MAKES PEDUNCLES! Hoya Care Tips & Guide to Growing (October 2024).

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