How to make adenium bloom at home? Why are there no buds and what kind of care does the plant need?

A rare flower does not have a story full of legends and superstitions. Desert rose, often used in landscape design, is no exception. How to care for him at home? Adenium is characterized by spectacular flowering. At home, the plant often refuses to form buds or quickly drops them. To prevent this, it is important to know how to properly care for adenium.

How often, when it blooms and how long does the process last?

When does this plant begin to bloom? Stone rose blooms in greenhouses can be achieved in almost any period. At home, a healthy plant blooms from April to July and from September to October.. With good care, the flowering of adenium is long, new buds can appear for five months.

The older the plant, the longer the flowering period. Seedlings obtained from seeds bloom at the age of two years, and some specimens in the first year. It happens that the first flowering occurs only in the third or fourth year of the plant's life.

The time of onset of the first flowering depends on factors such as:

  1. Growing conditions.
  2. Type of adenium. The earliest flowering is the miniature adenium obesum.

Is it possible to achieve the appearance of buds at home and how to do it?

The most favorable environment for flowering stone roses is greenhouse or greenhouse conditions. At home, you can also achieve the appearance of flowers, but this requires much more effort. At home, adult adenium blooms only if all of the content factors are met. To cause the formation and opening of buds, you must clearly follow certain rules:

  1. It is necessary to contain the plant in a soil mixture with an acidity of pH (6.5 - 7.8). It is this substrate that ensures the availability of nutrients.
  2. For growing adenium, it is best to choose a small pot. The stone rose will not bloom until it braids the roots of the entire earthen lump.
  3. Starting from the end of September, the plant must be kept at a temperature of less than + 20 ° C, while at the same time reducing the level of humidity and light. Under these conditions, adenium sheds leaves and enters a dormant period. Watering needs to be reduced.
  4. In winter, it is important to provide the stone rose with optimal conditions for relaxation. Ideal for winter time is a temperature of +12 to + 16 ° C. The values ​​should not be less than + 10 ° C, while it is important to maintain low humidity. Water rarely and with a small amount of water. Moisten the earthen lump only in case of complete drying, while wetting only the surface of the soil along the edge of the pot with water. Excess moisture in the soil causes rotting of the root system. Top dressing must be completely stopped.
  5. With the onset of spring, when the growth point begins to swell, resume watering, gradually increasing the amount of water supplied.
  6. In spring, when leaves appear, it is required to provide the stone rose with a long daylight hours. This is possible when kept on a south or east window. In addition, it is necessary to organize lighting. The artificial continuation of daylight hours should not exceed 12 hours.
  7. From early spring, begin to apply top dressing once a month. Use liquid organic-mineral fertilizers with an equal content of potassium and phosphorus. Avoid exceeding the permissible concentration of the solution by two percent. Fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium contribute to the strengthening of adenium and the speedy onset of flowering. It is important to prevent an excess of nitrogen. Fertilizers are suitable for succulents or orchids, as well as complex fertilizing for flowering plants.
  8. In summer, maintain a temperature comfortable for a stone rose from +25 to + 27 ° C. It is recommended to take the plant to a balcony or loggia. Be sure to expose the adenium for four to five hours under the sun's rays. The rest of the daylight hours provide a large amount of bright, diffused color.

Process description

Flower buds form at the ends of branches. The ripening period of the buds takes from one to two months. The flower opens in the period from one to seven days.

The flowers are funnel-shaped and can reach up to six centimeters in diameter. Coloring varies from pale white and cream to bright raspberry shades. Sometimes a combination of two colors occurs: white or pink petals become crimson closer to the edge. Pink or white flowers may have a yellow center, red ones have a white. There are varieties with a pattern in the form of stripes diverging from the middle.

There are representatives with terry flowers. Depending on the type of stone rose, inflorescences consist of a different number of flowers. Petals can be arranged in one or more rows. On this basis, flowers are divided into the following groups:

  1. Singles - simple single-row flowers. Petals grow in one plane, in one line.
  2. Doubles - corollas having two rows of petals.
  3. Triple - flowers consist of three rows of petals.
  4. Quadro - include four rows.

There are flowers with five, six, seven, and even nine rows of petals. Flowers with different numbers of rows of petals differ in a number of characteristics:

  1. The ripening period of the bud: the smaller the petals of the flower, the faster the bud ripens.
  2. Flower opening period: the more rows, the slower the petals open. For singles, the discovery takes place in one to two days, for more complex ones - up to seven.
  3. Abundance of flowering: the smaller the petals, the more abundant is the flowering bloom.
  4. Required amount of light: the more rows the flower has, the more light it needs to ripen.

The duration of flowering most often depends on the variety. On average, one flower lives for about ten days.


If buds have formed on the plant, it is important to maintain favorable conditions for flowering and to properly care for it:

  • A lot of light. If it is not enough, it is advisable to organize a backlight.
  • Enough water. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out, otherwise the adenium will drop or will not be able to fully open most of the buds.
  • Low humidity. At elevated rates, as well as as a result of spraying, the buds begin to chant from the inside.
Important! It is necessary to carefully remove wilted flowers, otherwise all the forces of adenium will go to the formation of fruits.

Why are there no buds?

Adenium is able to not bloom for several years. In this case, the exact age of the stone rose should be established. Perhaps adenium is still too young. If the specimen is old enough, it is necessary to find out the reason for the lack of flowering.

Probably not all conditions of detention are met. The most common source of problems is the following care errors.:

  1. Lack of lighting.
  2. The increased acidity of the soil, due to which the roots of the plant begin to die.
  3. Nutrient deficiency. This problem can be recognized by the state of the leaves. If adenium is healthy, its leaves are smooth, glossy, bright green. In case of insufficient nutrition, they turn yellow, lose their luster, acquire porosity, and then fall off.
  4. Excess nitrogen fertilizers stimulating the growth of branches and roots.
  5. Frequent drying of an earthen coma in a flowerpot.
  6. Excessive watering in the cold season, leading to rotting of the root system.
  7. Improper maintenance during dormancy, as a result of which the stone rose could not accumulate enough strength and nutrients for flowering.
  8. Sometimes the buds fall the day after the appearance. This is a signal that the soil in the pot is too dry or that the plant needs foliar top dressing.

You will learn about other adenium issues in this article.

What to do and how to make them appear?

If an adult plant refuses to form buds or fades too quickly, you need to clarify the rules for caring for adenium, find errors and make adjustments. To make the stone rose bloom strict adherence to conditions of detention:

  1. Provide good natural light, as well as organize lighting with fitolamps.
  2. Adjust the temperature and humidity level in the room.
  3. Set the watering mode.
  4. If the soil is too acidic, replace the substrate.
  5. To carry out timely and proper feeding. If the flowering of a stone rose is delayed due to a lack of nutrients, and complex fertilizers with a long period of action are present in the soil, foliar top dressing should be performed. Dilute the finished mixture for foliar feeding of succulents, following the instructions. Spray the surface of the plant with the resulting solution.
  6. Annually provide Adenium with a good rest in the winter.

What will happen after?

After flowering, the plant needs a long rest. It is necessary to reduce the amount of watering and stop feeding. This will prepare the stone rose for the rest period, which lasts from October to February.

Adenium is able to please lush flowering not only in the greenhouse, but also at home.

The main thing is to competently take care of a stone rose and not make mistakes in the process of growing it. In addition, one should not expect the blooming of too young adenium.

Watch the video: How to make an Adenium Flower in 6 easy steps! (October 2024).

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