We are looking for the causes of problems with aloe leaves, we learn the features of caring for the healing succulent

Aloe is a lowly plant. It is photophilous and develops well in bright rooms, but still needs special care in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and the following problems.

From the article you will learn about possible problems with the leaves of the plant, namely: the reasons for softening leaf plates, curling and blackening. Why did the leaves of your flower become thin and how to fix it?

And also how to deal with spots, yellowing, redness, drying out and falling of aloe leaves. How to save your favorite plant from an ailment with a minimum of effort?

Why are leaf blades soft?

The cause of soft leaves in aloe can be root decay, unsuitable and heavy soil, overflow. It is necessary to transplant the plant to another earth, add more sand and granite chips to the earthen mixture, lay a large layer of expanded clay on the bottom for the outflow of excess moisture and begin to properly water it


Aloe leaf curl can occur due to a lack of proper care.

It is imperative to wipe the leaves from dust and excess accumulations, sprinkle with clean water at room temperature once a week (twice a week in summer).


Thin leaves on the agave may be due to lack of irrigation, they become more dull and weak. There are some rules for high-quality watering, namely: a plant can be watered through a pallet or from above. All soil in the pot must be watered properly.

If you water only the top layer, then the roots below the water will be constantly insufficient. There is only one outcome - aloe can rot. It is best to pour water into the pallet. The plant will absorb the amount of water necessary for itself, and its residues must be disposed of.

But this is not the only reason why aloe leaves can be thin. The second reason for thin leaves is the lack of lighting. The leaves try to reach the source of light, gradually stretch and thin.


If the leaves begin to gradually blacken, then they simply become dirty and need to be cleaned from accumulated dust. A possible cause of blackening of leaves in aloe may be frostbite. The leaves of the plant could touch cold windows, or the pot stood for a long time in a too cold room. The best way to deal with this problem is to eliminate damaged leaflets and change the conditions of detention.

There are spots: what to do?

Depending on the color and variety of spots on the leaves of the agave, you can recognize and find solutions to various diseases.

  1. If brown spots appear, this means that aloe is not enough moisture - you need to change the watering system.
  2. In case of darker spots - the plant is most likely infected with a fungus - must be treated with an antifungal agent.

Black dots

Black dots may appear from hypothermia or cold drafts. Exposure to cold air is especially dangerous when the earth is wet. First of all, it is necessary to change the conditions of the plant and check the windproof windows.

The spots need constant monitoring, if they begin to increase, then it is better to cut off the sore spots.

The leaves are blushing

Leaves may begin to blush in early springwhen light levels gradually increase after dull winter days.

If you dramatically change the location of the plant and move it from the shade under the bright rays of the sun, then red spots may appear on it.

Thus, the reddened leaves of the plant indicate a protective reaction of the flower to bright sunlight, in other words, it is a sunburn.

If rearrange it in a darker and cooler place - the leaves will soon regain their natural greenish tint.

Fall off

If the leaves suddenly start to fall, it means that the water for irrigation is too cold (it is better to always keep the water in the funnel near the aloe, then the temperature will be optimal).

Are dry

Agave does not receive the required amount of nutrients and minerals due to the lack of free space in the pot, since it has not been transplanted for a long time. The plant has to eat at the expense of the oldest leaves, because the tips and dry.

Read about why aloe dries.

Turn yellow

If the leaves turn yellow due to insufficient nutrition, then it is necessary to gradually saturate the plant once a month with fertilizing for succulents or cacti. In case of lack of light, you only need to change the location of aloe to the sunnier side of the room.

If the agave suffered a cold wintering without reducing irrigation or a sharp decrease in the temperature content, then in this case its leaves can also begin to turn yellow.

Video that talks about the cause of yellowing of aloe leaves:

Details on why aloe may turn yellow and what to do with these are described in our material.


Thus, the main causes of aloe leaf problems are insufficient or excessive amounts of water and light, improper plant nutrition, improper temperature conditions, pest infection, and rotting of the roots.

Watch the video: Don't Miss Out On These Aloe Vera Health Properties. Aloe Vera Juice. Aloe Gel - Remedies One (October 2024).

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