Secrets of poinsettia care: when to trim and how to do it correctly?

Pruning is a necessary component in the implementation of proper care at home for poinsettia. From the correct care depends on whether the flower will be strong, strong and whether it can bloom.

A feature of poinsettia is winter flowering, it is then that rosettes of brightly colored bract leaves appear. After the plant fades, it loses its beauty and strength.

Then, it seems that the leaves fall off due to the death of poinsettia. This is the reason for getting rid of the flower. But do not rush to conclusions. The plant just needs compulsory rest for poinsettia. Peace lasts about 2 months.

When do you need cropping?

Poinsettia blooms only on young shoots. Therefore, pruning is required to make the plant bloom a second time. Trimming is necessary when the poinsettia fades and discards the leaves.

But sometimes poinsettia leaves are not discarded due to the high humidity in the room. In this case, it is worth trimming when the kidneys begin to appear. You can cut the plant at any time of the year.

But it is worth remembering that if the pruning process does not occur in spring, but in winter, then the plant needs additional light.

We offer you to watch a video about when you need to trim poinsettia:

How to carry out the procedure?

High pruning is not necessary, otherwise the shoots from each kidney will go, there will be too many of them. As a result of this, they will be thin, and as a result, good colors will not work (you can find out why poinsettia does not bloom and what to do here). Therefore, cutting is as low as possible. It is necessary to trim so that the plant is well developed, and the shoots look in the right direction. Shoots should not be directed to the crown of the plant, otherwise there will be competition and crossing among the shoots.

Be sure to leave 3-5 healthy buds on each shoot. They will provide a new growth and become the basis for future flowering.

You can cut pruners with secateurs or ordinary sharp scissors. To flowering was as lush and strong as possible, no more than 5-6 strong shoots should be left on the flower. If the plant is not pruned, it will not be possible to achieve a beautiful, abundant flowering.

In the future, the green parts of the flower can be pinched until August, when the buds of future inflorescences are laid at the ends of the shoots. Parts of stems after pruning cut, turn into excellent cuttings for propagation.

We offer you to watch a video on how to cut poinsettia correctly:

Caring for the flower after pruning

As long as there are no signs of awakening on the stems, poinsettia does not need watering. If the soil is moistened, then very carefully so as not to cause rotting of the roots. In May, the rest period ends. The pot must be moved to a warm bright room and resume active watering. It is worthwhile to ensure that between the procedures the top layer of soil dries out a little, and water does not accumulate in the pan under the pot. Fertilizing is a top dressing for indoor plants.


Look at the photo how beautiful poinsettia blooms, which was trimmed in time and ensured proper care:

What if the plant dies?

Poinsettia deterioration is almost always associated with a violation of the rules of care. But to argue that poinsettia is capricious is also not necessary. It can be attacked by insects, pathogenic fungi and dangerous bacteria. The greatest danger is all kinds of rot.

The appearance of diseases is provoked by improper watering, or too hot or cold.

You need to deal with the death of a flower. The struggle is to normalize the conditions of detention and treatment with fungicides or insecticides. It is definitely worth removing the affected parts, replacing the soil.

Read about the diseases and pests of poinsettia here, and from this article you will learn about how to transplant a plant at home and in the open ground.

Timely and correctly cut poinsettia will delight the eye with its fabulous flowering for a very long time. Providing a comfortable temperature and competent watering, you can avoid problems with the flower.

Watch the video: Cutting Back My Poinsettia (October 2024).

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