The benefits of natural plants: is it possible to drip aloe in the ear and how to do it right?

Most often, ear pain bothers with otitis media. Sometimes it becomes simply unbearable, so a person can not fully engage in their own affairs.

For the treatment of ear diseases, it is important to eliminate the cause of the development of inflammation - pathogenic microflora, and the popular folk doctor - aloe can cope with it. In our article, you will learn how to properly use this plant for the treatment of ear diseases. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

What diseases are effective for use?

For the treatment of otitis media

Inflammation may be in the outer, middle or inner ear. They are classified by location:

  1. External inflammation. It is often diagnosed in swimmers. Mechanical injuries into which bacteria penetrate can affect the development of external inflammation.
  2. Otitis media. It serves as a complication of advanced colds, and if untreated, can lead to hearing impairment.
  3. Otitis media. May provoke brain abscess and hearing loss.
For the treatment of any form of otitis media, folk remedies have long used agave juice. Based on it, drugs are prepared, using which you can achieve positive results in the treatment of inflammation.

Aloe helps:

  • stop the pain;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • provide an outflow of pus;
  • reduce the spread of pathogenic microflora.


Eustachitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the Eustachian tube. This is a disease leading to poor ventilation of the tympanic cavity with the development of catarrhal otitis media.

Eustachyitis is manifested by congestion in the ear, sensation of iridescent liquid in it, hearing loss, noise in the ear, autophony. Symptoms may be one-sided or two-sided.

Aloe in the treatment of eustachitis contributes to the following results:

  1. elimination of pain;
  2. removal of stuffy ears;
  3. removal of inflammation;
  4. Strengthening the body's defenses to effectively fight the disease.


This is an inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal hand. With this disease, a purulent process develops in the cells of the process, which can lead to such a complication as meningitis. With the help of aloe, you can reduce the severity of the symptoms of inflammation (pain, tinnitus) and overcome the infection.

Is it possible to bury juice for children and adults?

Since middle ear inflammation is most often diagnosed in children under 3 years old, many parents are puzzled by whether aloe vera can be used for treatment. Of course, with infants it is not recommended to get involved in folk remedies, but here children from 1 year can safely drop drops based on aloe, since it disinfects and stops the possibility of infection of the middle ear.

For adults, an aloe-based medicine is also safe if they are not allergic to this plant. They can apply the juice of the agave in its pure form and in tandem with other components.

How useful is the agave?

The beneficial properties of the agave are explained by its composition, which contains the following components:

  1. Beta sitosterol. This is a plant sterol that quickly and effectively stops the inflammatory process.
  2. Glycosaminoglycan. In the body, this component is associated with the protein part of proteoglycans. It contributes to the quickest recovery of the body.
  3. Antraglycoside and lecithin. These components quickly eliminate the focus of inflammation and act as antitumor elements (on how to use aloe in oncology, read here).
All of these aloe constituent methods penetrate deep into the skin and contribute to a speedy recovery. Aloe blocks pain receptors and eliminates infections and viruses that enter the body.

You can find out about the healing properties of aloe and recipes for compresses, rubbing and other means to reduce joint pain here, and from this article you will learn how to treat a sore throat with the help of an agave.

We offer you to watch a video about the benefits of the agave for humans:


The main dosage form used at home is aloe juice. This requires fresh leaves having a length of at least fifteen centimeters. The age of the aloe vera is three to five years. Wrapped in black paper leaves are placed in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Preparing fresh agave juice is not difficult, you only need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use a sharp knife to cut 2-3 lower leaves of the plant.
  2. Rinse them with boiled water and then cut into thin pieces.
  3. Place aloe slices in cheesecloth and squeeze juice.

For preventive purposes

For preventive purposes, you can use aloe juice in its pure form, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. To begin, process the pipette with boiling water. This will disinfect it and prevent the development of complications.
  2. The patient should lie on one side. The earlobe must be lowered down to release the outside for quick passage of the juice into the ear canal.
  3. Introduce 1-2 drops into the ear, cover it with a soft towel.
  4. Repeat the manipulation for 3-4 weeks, and then rest for 2 weeks.
Despite its effectiveness, aloe with prolonged use can lead to side symptoms in the form of addiction to the body.

Learn how to prepare a healing, refreshing and preventive drink from aloe here.

With otitis media

The tandem of aloe and Kalanchoe helps to treat otitis media.. Take the juices of these plants in equal proportions, warm to room temperature, and then instill an ear of 2-3 drops. Repeat treatment procedures 2 times during the day for 3 weeks. This remedy perfectly stops inflammation and draws out pus.

For pain

Aloe juice quickly eliminates pain if you use a freshly picked product and know how to drip aloe into your ear. To do this, before use, it should be slightly warmed up and dripped into the ear for 3-4 drops. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.


The use of aloe juice in the treatment of ear inflammation can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. Despite its safety, aloe has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • allergy to the plant;
  • children under 1 year old.

If the inflammatory process is accompanied by fever and acute pain, then this is an occasion for urgent medical attention.

One drop of aloe in diseases of the ear can not do, a complex treatment should be prescribed.


Aloe in the treatment of ear diseases is struggling with the main cause of their development - the inflammatory process. After just a few uses, the pain is reduced, the hearing is normalized, the inflammation goes away. Apply the juice of the agave even children over a year old, but only in combination with pharmacy drugs prescribed by the pediatrician. This will allow a comprehensive impact on the pathological process and achieve a speedy recovery without complications.

Watch the video: How to Best Prepare and Eat Aloe Vera & Aloe FAQ (October 2024).

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