How to make an eternal rose? Secrets of manufacturing and care

A bouquet of blooming roses is always a win-win option for a gift for any occasion - from a date to a solid anniversary. But when the flowers fade, it is always a pity to part with such beauty. What to do? There is a great option - the purchase of a stable rose.

Such a solution will preserve the beauty and delicate aroma of a rose and admire the flower for a long time. How and where to get a flower, and is it possible for a master to make it at home with his own hands, how to preserve it in glycerin, paraffin or hair spray - we will give the answers in our article.

What it is?

By this concept is meant not an artificial rose, but a living one, cut off at the peak of its flowering, but “preserved” with the help of various special compositions, and therefore, eternal.

The stabilized flower retains the shape of a bud and has a delicate, subtle aroma. A "preservative" is necessary in the stabilization process to retain moisture inside living cells and preserve the appearance of the flower.

Photo of unfading flower

Further on the photo you can see a stabilized plant.

How to stabilize a plant in production?

Stable color manufacturers do this using special technology. First, the flower is cut at a certain period of its plant. After that, the flower is poured with a special alcohol-based mixture for dehydration. As a result, the flower discolors and becomes fragile. Then, with the help of the reagent, it is "reanimated" and stabilized.

Can I make an eternal flower with my own hands at home?

It’s not difficult at home to stabilize the rose. It is important to observe the technology - to prepare the plant, choose a stabilization method and properly care for the composition, protecting it from excessive moisture, otherwise the plant will live only a couple of months.

Dust is another enemy of stabilized creation. Self-made roses has a significant plus - it is possible to realize any fantasy with the color of the rose through dye and plant shape.

Suppliers in Russia

In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are many companies selling stabilized roses, but it is worth highlighting some of the largest suppliers.

  • It is worth highlighting the French company Verdissimo, founded almost forty years ago. This company owns three factories - in Ecuador, Colombia and Spain. Uses stabilization of roses for retail sale and for subsequent use of compositions for interior decoration.

    Distribution of this brand in Russia is carried out by such companies as Etoile LLC, Amour-rose and others.

  • The Russian company Stabilized Plants boasts its own production. One of the world leaders in this production is C.I. Florever COLUMBIA S.A. represented in Russia by the company "Special Flowers". The product has all the necessary certificates for roses produced in Colombia and Spain.
  • If you are interested in wholesale purchases of products, you should contact the company "Special Flowers", which is a direct exclusive official distributor of the company "Florever" in the Russian Federation.

Where to buy an eternally living plant and what is its cost?

Stable roses can be purchased at special floristic sites. or in flower shops. You can also order compositions from other non-specialized sites, for example, Aliexpress. The cost varies depending on the variety of roses and their quantity. One rose can be purchased on average for 70-100 rubles.

Stabilized bouquets of roses cost from 2000 rubles and above. Boxes of rosebuds are also on sale; their price is from 700 to 1000 rubles. Also in Moscow and St. Petersburg, when ordering from the site, as a rule, free delivery to the client is valid. As a rule, roses from Ecuador are used to create such flowers.

Shelf life

The stabilized plant is stored from 3 to 5 years subject to all storage and care rules. But a flower can retain its beauty over 5 years.

Step-by-step instruction: how to do it yourself?


The choice of tools depends on the way the rose will be stabilized. Required:

  • clean, prepared flower;
  • green plants (moss, stems) - if necessary in the decoration;
  • stabilizer - glycerin, paraffin or hair spray;
  • dye;
  • water;
  • tweezers;
  • knife.

Solution preparation

  1. Glycerol. It is one of the most famous ways of preserving living cells, absolutely non-toxic and safe.

    When choosing glycerol as a stabilizer, you must make the following solution: mix one part of glycerin and one part of water. If necessary, dye is added to the solution according to the instructions.

    It is necessary to prepare the solution in a room with dry air, because in a humid environment it “draws” moisture from the air and transfers it to the plant, and in a dry environment it “draws” moisture from living cells.

  2. Paraffin. The amount of melted wax depends on the height of the rose and the number of flowers. Wax is melted in a water bath.
  3. Polish for hair. The only requirement is for varnish - it must be transparent and without glitter.

How to preserve?

The first stage, regardless of the choice of stabilization method, is the preparation of the flower. It should be beautiful, dry, without wilted petals.

In glycerin

  1. The stem of the rose must be placed in the prepared glycerol solution.
  2. Every 2 days, the stem of the rose is pruned by 0.5-1 cm, while slightly splitting it - so the plant will better absorb the solution.
  3. The stem is in the solution for up to two weeks.

Do not be afraid of a change in the color of the plant is a reaction to a reagent.

In paraffin

  1. With tweezers, the rose is dipped in melted wax, then the flower is dipped in cold water and allowed to dry. You can also apply paraffin with a syringe without a needle.
  2. During stabilization, tweezers neatly straighten the petals with tweezers, giving the bud the desired look.
Important: A stable rose should be kept as far away as possible from ultraviolet radiation to prevent melting of the wax.

In hair spray

If you use varnish or paraffin as a stabilizer, the procedure is somewhat simplified. So, a sufficiently prepared rose is sprinkled with plenty of varnish, allowed to dry.

How to care for your creation?

Choosing a place to store stabilized flowers, temperature and distance from ultraviolet radiation is the key to long-term storage of a plant. Ideal conditions include air temperature from +5 to +35 degrees and humidity within 60-80%. You need to put the composition in a shaded place away from radiators.

Is it possible to extend the "life span"?

The composition will please its owner for years, if you follow a number of rules for the care of:

  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • avoid changes in temperature and humidity;
  • Do not put a rose next to artificial sources of heating;
  • gently fan the bud from dust with a soft brush;
  • avoid contact of the plant with moisture.

A stable rose does not need watering.

Stabilized roses have several advantages over living and artificial. They are durable, but at the same time retain their appearance and intoxicating smell. Gift options are amazing - from a single flower to original bouquets, while the bud can be of any color. This is a great gift and a great way to surprise anyone.

Watch the video: Roses That Last 1 Year (October 2024).

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