The path of an enthusiast: how to grow roses from seeds ordered in China at home?

Growing roses from seeds is a troublesome and difficult task. Widespread are Chinese seeds, which can be ordered on Internet sites. You need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the grown plant does not exactly match what is indicated in the picture. Despite this, the grower needs to know the main features of the propagation of roses by seeds and the further care of the decorative culture. And if you properly plant seeds obtained from China, then there is every chance to become the owner of gorgeous roses.

Where and how to choose seed?

There are many sites selling roses seeds. Most often, people order planting material on Joom and AliExpress. If you take this as a kind of lottery, then the selection criteria are not important - as a result, the buds may turn out to be completely unexpected colors. But if the color of the flower is fundamental, then it makes sense to pay attention to the comments on the lots.

What colors can be counted on?

In the catalog roses are presented in a wide range of colorsamong which are blue, purple, beige, black and even light green. It is for this reason that flower growers are beginning to actively order planting material, not realizing that it is simply impossible to actually obtain flowers of this color.

You can grow roses at home white, yellow, pink or red. The flower has no other colors. The only way to get a rose, for example, black or brown, is to paint it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buying in Chinese stores

The purchase of rose seeds in Chinese stores has the following advantages:

  • a wide range of;
  • low cost of production.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the long delivery.

Planting and growing

Landing benefits:

  1. an opportunity to get a lot of young plants;
  2. plants grown from seeds are strong and strong;
  3. You can grow roses in a pot, so you can create a mini-greenhouse in your own apartment.

If you use Chinese seeds for breeding roses, then this the method has the following disadvantages:

  • lack of seedlings is a common occurrence;
  • obtaining seeds of weed plants;
  • not matching the roses in the picture with the one that was able to grow from seeds.

Risks and features: how to distinguish a fake?

Very often, people encounter such a problem when ordering Chinese seeds, such as weeds, which are added to a bag with planting material. Chinese manufacturers lack quality certificates. Seeds are harvested by hand without sorting them. So do not be surprised when unnecessary grass appears in one pot along with roses.

To determine the quality of the seeds, it is necessary to examine their appearance. If the material is fresh and whole, then the chances of getting successful shoots from it increase. If the seeds are slightly pink, then they are unripe, therefore, they will sprout worse.

How to grow at home?

How to plant seeds of roses received from China to get a spectacular flower garden at home and a minimum of disappointments, we will analyze in detail.


First, you need to stratify the planting material. This process involves the artificial creation of winter conditions (cold and humidity). Due to this, the seeds sprout rapidly, and their germination is increased.


  1. To begin with, put the seeds in hydrogen peroxide for 15-20 minutes. This procedure will protect the plant from mold in the future.
  2. Then the seeds must be removed and put on cheesecloth, pre-soaked in peroxide.
  3. Cover planting material with a napkin and carefully fold in a plastic bag.
  4. Put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

We suggest you watch a video about stratification of seeds:

Soil and inventory preparation

For planting Chinese rose seeds, you can use the soil from the cottage, if everything grows well and bears fruit on it. The flower prefers to grow in slightly acidic soil, where the pH is 5.5-6.5. You can buy a ready-made substrate in the store:

  • "Rose" producer "Wonderland".
  • bio-coastal "Russian Fields" for roses.
  • "Room rose" from the Respect company.

From inventory you need to prepare:

  • pot (plastic or ceramic);
  • garden shovel;
  • covering material.


Planting work should be carried out as correctly as possible, so that as a result, the sprouts appear on time and are healthy.


  1. In the prepared substrate, you need to make grooves with a depth of 3-4 cm using a garden spatula.
  2. Put the seeds in a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
  3. Cover the grooves with soil.
  4. Cover with polyethylene from above.

How to root?

7 days after sowing, seedlings can be hardened. To do this, open the film for 2 hours a day. Every day, the airing duration is increased, reaching 3 hours. After 2 weeks, the covering material can be removed. It was at this time that the first sprouts would hatch. And when 2-3 leaves are formed, then you can transplant the plants into separate pots.

Creating conditions for seedlings

Care for seedlings must be carefully. To do this, select a slightly shaded area. The light period should be 12 hours. If there is not enough light, you will have to use artificial lamps.

Watering is necessary 3 times a week, using warm and well-maintained water. Also useful for sprouts will be spraying.

Important! At first, flower growers need to carefully monitor how the seedlings grow, and whether a fungus or other diseases appear on it.

Care for young bushes

Care for young roses is based on the following:

  • Watering. Perform it at room temperature. Irrigation is carried out 3-4 times a week, the need for moisture can be understood by the state of the soil and plant.
  • Mulching. The soil under the roses can be covered with humus, peat, bark or sawdust. This will allow longer to retain moisture in the soil and prolong the supply of nutrients. Periodically, the mulch needs to be updated, as it is washed off when watering.
  • Top dressing. So that young sprouts will soon please with lush and long flowering, they need to be fed using complex compounds. Granular fertilizers are best suited, as they just need to be scattered under the bushes. Do it 3-4 times during the summer.

Problems and solutions

When growing roses from Chinese seeds, the following difficulties are possible:

  1. Poor ground preparation. Flowers that grow on poorly drained soil will undergo various diseases.
  2. Thickening of landings. If you grow roses in containers, then do not place one plant close to another. In addition, it is necessary to timely thinning pruning.
  3. Incorrect feeding. Roses need potassium for active growth and development. It increases the plant's resistance to disease and accelerates the maturation of young wood. To fully develop the root system, phosphorus is needed. Do not add too much lime to the ground. Its excess leads to chlorosis, a disease in which leaves turn yellow, and it occurs due to a lack of iron and magnesium.

Using seeds purchased on a Chinese site, it is quite possible to grow strong and healthy roses. The main thing is to buy them from trusted sellers and follow all the recommendations regarding planting and caring for young plants.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about growing roses from China:

Watch the video: How to Air-layer. Propagation Success with Honey! Grow Everything - Episode. 3 (October 2024).

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