Indoor rose from cuttings at home: how to plant, grow and care?

Rose is the queen of flowers. Any woman dreams of such a gift, and in order to prolong the joy of receiving it, many begin to think about how to plant roses.

One of the most effective and easiest ways to propagate a room rose at home is to plant cuttings.

Next, we will tell you how to sprout a stalk from your favorite flower and plant a room rose at home.

What is cuttings?

A cutlery is a separated part of a plant (leaf, shoot), and cuttings are vegetative propagation of a plant using a cuttings.

Cuttings are one of the many flower growers' favorite method of propagation of any plant, including roses. The advantage of this method of reproduction is the inheritance of all the qualities of the mother plant, including the color of flowers and leaves

When is it better to cut?

The best time of the year for the cuttings of roses is spring. The fact is that in spring the plant enters the active phase of growth and flowering: new cells begin to form intensely due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in it. The trigger mechanism for the active growth of the plant is favorable weather conditions (lots of sun, warmth), which replaced the winter.

Reproduction at different times of the year: in summer, autumn and winter

Cuttings can be carried out at other times of the year: a young plant can take root, but with great difficulty.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is an unfortunate moment for cuttings, since the rooted young escape will not have time to gain enough strength in anticipation of the winter and may simply die.

From October to February, the period lasts when the rose is resting, and all processes in the plant proceed slowly. Therefore, grafting with a high degree of probability will also fail.

You can try to fix such situations by ensuring that the plants and cuttings are illuminated, but even this step will not give a 100% guarantee of success. For those wishing to cuttings in the fall, we have prepared a separate material.

How to propagate: step-by-step instructions for planting and growing a house

Inventory and materials

To cut the room rose, you need to prepare a knife or pruner. They must be sharp so that they do not remain on the stalk of the notch as a possible source of infection. For the same purpose, it is advisable to disinfect the entire instrument before use with alcohol or potassium permanganate.


To root the cuttings, you can use light and nutritious soil for roses purchased in a specialized store, or you can simply mix sand and peat (or sand and vermiculite) in equal proportions. As an option: humus, peat and sand in the proportions of 2: 2: 1. Or 2 parts of turf, 1 part of sheet land, 1 part of sand.


After rooting in water, cuttings are planted in a 200 ml container, a container of the same volume is also suitable for rooting the cuttings in the ground. For these purposes, it is better to use a transparent container: it is easier to observe the development of roots. If there are a lot of cuttings, then rooting is done in special boxes or transparent plastic containers.

After the root system has expanded, a young seedling is transplanted into a 500 ml pot, and then into a container with an even larger volume. The main condition for a tank of any volume is the presence of holes on the bottom for the drain of excess water.

Attention! Planting a rose in an excessively large pot is not recommended, as there is a risk of uneven moisture, stagnation of moisture, the appearance of pests that spoil the roots.

Rooting material

Material for propagation - cuttings are obtained as a result of pruning a room rose. Among gardeners there is an opinion that a shoot suitable for cuttings should have a bud. But it is better to cut a healthy and strong stalk that has just faded.

The stem from the middle part of the branch without any damage about 12 cm long should have more than two buds, from which shoots will grow. The optimal thickness of this handle is 2.5 - 3.5 mm. From below, the cuttings are cut in an oblique line, and from above - in a straight line. The cut should be done under the kidney below and above the kidney at a distance of 1 cm from above.


The existing lower leaves on the cuttings should be removed, and the remaining leaves should be cut in half so that during rooting the moisture does not evaporate too quickly. Before rooting the stalk in the soil, it should be dipped with a tip into the water, and then - into the root formation stimulator, for example, “Kornevin” or heteroauxin. If you use "Epin", then make a solution from it according to the instructions (100 g of the drug per 1 liter of water), in which sections are kept for 8 to 12 hours.

How to root?

In water

Rooting in water is recommended in a small glass or plastic bowl. preferably made of dark glass or plastic.

The water level (it is better to use boiled or melt water at room temperature) in the tank should be such that the bottom of the cuttings is in the water, and the rest is above the water. This condition is explained by the fact that oxygen is needed for roots to appear. As a rule, the root system is formed on the handle just at the border of water and air in the container.

Important! Roots do not form on the handle, immersed in raw water!

Some gardeners do not recommend immersing the shoot in water so that its tip touches the bottom of the dish: this can cause it to rot. Water in the vessel is also not recommended to be changed, but only topped up as it evaporates. Also some florists practice adding activated carbon tablets to the liquid to disinfect it, and often the drug "Cornevin" is added.

The vessel with the handle is placed in a warm and bright place, but not in direct sunlight. You can cover everything with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions. After the emergence of roots 0.7 - 1.5 cm long in length (about 3 weeks), the plant can be planted in the ground.

Some gardeners act differently: the stalk is in the water until callus appears, after which it is immediately transplanted into the ground. In their opinion, if you wait for the roots in the usual sense, then such a stalk will be difficult to adapt to new conditions and may simply die.

In the ground

The rose also takes root in the ground. The shoot should be obliquely buried in moist soil by 1 - 1.5 cm and rammed the soil around the cuttings. Rooting will be more likely to succeed if you cover the pot from above with a jar or plastic bag.

With the appearance of the first roots and leaves, after about 5 weeks, you can supply air to the greenhouse (this must be done gradually so that the plant gets used to the drier air of the room), and then completely remove it.

The optimal conditions for the development of shoots are considered temperature + 20C - + 25C, moderate watering, diffused sunlight (daylight hours at least 15 hours), regular spraying (maintaining humidity at 80% - 90%).

If rooting was carried out in a common container, then over time the seedlings should be planted one at a time, observing a distance between them of 5 cm.

When to plant?

If the stem is rooted in water, then a pot with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm should be filled up to half with soil, and after holding the plant at the desired height with one hand, add the ground with the other. Then it is necessary to squeeze the earth around the seedling, water it abundantly, if necessary, add more soil. The greenhouse should not be installed, since the root system of the stem has already developed.

When rooting in the ground, when the root system develops in the cuttings and the pot becomes small (roots become visible in the drainage holes), they should be transplanted into deeper containers (500 ml), while humus is fertilized.

Landing should be carried out by transshipment method: the rooted stem is carefully removed from the old pot and, without shaking off the earthen coma, is placed in a new container, the resulting voids in which are covered with soil. Do not forget that the bottom layer in the pot must be drainage.

Until next spring, a young rose should not be touched. In August - September, flowers may already appear on the seedling, but it is not worth letting them bloom, so that the plant does not deplete and normally overwinter.


Here you can see a photo of a rose:

Further care

Rose is a photophilous plant, it needs a lot of sunlight, but without direct sunlight. The best location is the south and southwest windows.

Watering should be moderate as the soil dries in the pot. Watering is carried out from above by settled warm water. Do not allow stagnation of moisture, as the roots can rot: it is imperative to drain the water from the pallet. On hot days, the air around the rose must be sprayed.

Important! Moisture on rose leaves can cause fungal infections.

2 weeks after planting a young seedling in a permanent pot, you can start feeding it with complex fertilizers 1 time in 10-14 days.

The optimum temperature for rose growth is + 20C - + 22C. If the thermometer column shows above + 25C, then the plant can drop leaves and buds. Drafts are harmful to a young seedling, but a small difference in daily temperatures is good.

Problems, difficulties and solutions

  • Infection of young seedlings with infections (e.g. aphid or spider mite).

    The reason for this may be the soil that is used to plant the already rooted cuttings. Therefore, it is necessary to use a commercially available substrate or treat the mixture prepared with fungicides or thermally. Also, the cause may be improper care of a room rose. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is enough to provide all the necessary conditions of detention, which were discussed above.

  • The stalk in the water wilts.

    It is possible that the cut is dry. It is enough to remove the stalk from the water and update the slice. And also make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the escape.

  • The plant does not bloom.

    If the rose did not release the buds on time, then, most likely, the problem, oddly enough, is in the pot. An excessively large pot will contribute to the fact that the plant will actively develop the root system, increase leaf mass, and not buds. Therefore, it is necessary to transplant the flower into a smaller pot. And this fact must be taken into account when choosing a pot for planting a young plant.

Indoor rose is a moody plant. Its reproduction is a troublesome process. But all the efforts of the florist will be rewarded by the lush flowering of the Queen of Flowers grown personally.

Interesting video

We offer you to watch a video on how to propagate a room rose using cuttings:

Watch the video: Easy way to grow rose from cutting, How to grow rose plant from cutting with English subtitles (October 2024).

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