Dwarf pomegranate is a beautiful and useful addition to the interior. All about growing a seed tree

Pomegranate is a subtropical shrub that has successfully taken root in gardeners' houses. A well-grown tree in room conditions can not only actively collect buds, but even form fruits.

In the article we will tell you what types of pomegranate can be grown at home, how to plant a plant and carry out further care for it, and also what to do if the plant does not take root.

What types can be grown at home?

At home, it is most convenient to grow dwarf forms of pomegranate.

Their significant difference from garden ones is that they do not dump foliage for the winter and look most decorative as interior decoration.

Varieties of miniature pomegranates that can be grown independently.


A tree in height reaches no more than a meter, externally is a small copy of garden pomegranate - the same in form of leaves, flowers and fruits.

Video about the Nana dwarf garnet variety:


Pomegranate variety not growing more than half a meter, forms inflorescences with 5-7 flowers in each. Skin of orange-brown fruit.

Read more about growing baby pomegranate at home here.


A dwarf tree is about 70 cm tall. The variety got its name for the bright color of the flowers.


Flowering shrub, not exceeding a meter in height.

If you want to experiment, You can grow a tree from the bone of the purchased fruit. It will be an ordinary garden pomegranate, but since only hybrids are on sale, it will not produce the same fruits as the parent tree, and in the room will grow no more than a meter in height.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method


  • planting material is easy to purchase in any specialized store;
  • seeds for planting can be collected independently, checking their quality.


  • pomegranates grown from seeds bloom and bear fruit later than plants obtained from cuttings;
  • such trees do not preserve varietal characters, as a result of which the fruits are of lower quality.


The best time for the procedure is the end of January - the beginning of February, so that with the advent of summer, a grown plant can already be taken out to fresh air.


Despite the fact that under natural conditions pomegranate grows on poor soils, for growing at home the tree will need enriched, drained soil of one of the following compositions:

  1. ½ part of turf land mixed with 25% of leaf humus and sand;
  2. ¼ part of loam and peat mixed with sand;
  3. 2 parts of clay-turf soil mixture with 1 part of leafy soil, humus and sand.


When choosing a flowerpot for pomegranate, it is better to focus on narrow options. When the root system of a plant feels a certain tightness, it blooms and bears fruit more intensively. When choosing the material from which the pot will be made, it is better to prefer ceramics. This capacity is more stable and provides better soil aeration.

Planting material

  • For the seed cultivation method, it is best to choose material purchased in specialized stores.
  • Seeds for planting should only be fresh, as they lose their germination very quickly.
  • Visually healthy, containing all the seeds necessary for germination, must be solid, with a pleasant shade of ivory.
  • It is only necessary to collect material for sowing from large, fully ripened fruits.
  • Be sure to remove the flesh covering the bones so that rot does not occur.
  • Planting material is soaked for a day in water or in solutions of potassium permanganate, "Epina" or "Zircon", while the liquid should not completely cover the seeds.

Step-by-step landing instructions

  • Seeds are sown in soil, immersed in a centimeter.
  • After planting, it is important to monitor watering. The earth must be kept moist.
  • Two weeks later, when the seedlings appear, the container must be transferred to the southern window sill.
  • Thinning seedlings by removing the underdeveloped.
  • In a couple of months, real leaflets will appear, when their number reaches three or four pairs, seedlings must be planted in separate containers.

How to care for the first time after the procedure?

  • In May, young shoots are taken out to the garden or to the balcony, shading, as excessive sunlight can cause burns.
  • Young shoots require abundant watering, but they should be carried out under the root, moisture should be avoided on the foliage.
  • In autumn, well-developed seedlings are transplanted into pots and transferred to a cool place until spring.
  • In May, they again take it to fresh air.
  • Upon reaching the plant of the year, it needs to be transplanted. Transplants should be annual up to three years.
Important! When moving a young plant to a new pot, it is imperative to take care of the drainage. To do this, you can use gravel, expanded clay or broken brick. This will avoid radical stagnation of moisture.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

Homemade pomegranate refers to unpretentious plants, therefore, it takes root quite easily. If problems arise with this, it is worth checking whether all the conditions for the successful growth of a young tree are met. Criteria for assessing the comfort of a pomegranate:

  • Watering should be plentiful, but only as the soil dries to prevent root decay.
  • The soil should fully comply with the preferences of the pomegranate. It is recommended to check the composition of the soil, if it is poor in any way, the plant will not take root.
  • Lighting. The light level should be high, but it is best that the light be scattered. Direct sunlight will damage the young plant and may, as well as a lack of light, cause the pomegranate to not take root.
  • Top dressing. Twice a month, pomegranates need to be fed. For a young tree, you can use complex fertilizer, which is applied to a fairly moist soil.

Pomegranate may not take root due to pest damage. For example, if the plant is kept in a too dry room, there is a risk of spider mite attack. To cope with the problem, you need to treat the bush with an insecticide, after covering the soil with polyethylene.

Growing a pomegranate house is an exciting experience. It’s very nice to see with your own eyes how a highly decorative living addition to the interior will turn out from a simple seed. The plant lends itself well to forming clippings, so you can give it a variety of species.

Watch the video: Snake Plant Care: How to Grow The "Mother In Law's Tongue"! (October 2024).

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