Step-by-step instructions on how to plant lemon from seed at home

Many gardeners and gardeners would like to try to grow a lemon at home. This process is not very complicated, but successfully planting and growing a lemon tree will turn out if you follow the rules step by step.

You will read more about this below. In addition, you will learn how to properly care for seedlings and look at the photo of an adult plant.

How to choose and properly sprout seeds at home?

It is very important to choose good seeds for planting into the ground. You can take them from a ripe, beautiful lemon fruit. Seeds are better to find larger. Also, seeds can be purchased.

As for the preparation of seeds for planting, you can simply plant them in a wet state (otherwise, the seed will not germinate and germinate for a long time).

But in order to guarantee germination, seeds can be processed. For this, any biostimulant that provides rapid germination, for example, Epin, is suitable. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions of the drug, the seeds are left in it for at least 12 hours, but it can also be for a day. Some gardeners for this purpose use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

What soil should a lemon tree be planted in?

Now you should prepare high-quality soil for the germination of lemon seeds.

The soil must be fertile and loose. You can buy ready-made land for citrus fruits or make it yourself.

To do this, take:

  • sheet soil;
  • humus;
  • some peat and sand for ease.

What capacity is needed: shape, size, material

You can buy special small pots for seedlingsThey are sold in flower shops. Also great for this are:

  • disposable cups;
  • containers for yogurt, sour cream;
  • cropped plastic bottles;
  • small containers.

The main thing is that the capacity is small and shallow. Be sure to make holes at the bottom of the tank so that the seeds do not rot, then drainage is laid out.

Styrofoam, nutshell, small pebbles, a layer of vermiculite (about 1 cm).

Step-by-step instruction: how to properly plant the seeds of the house in a pot and in the open ground?

  1. The earth must first be moistened, then the bones should be laid out on containers.
  2. Seeds need to be deepened by about a couple of centimeters. They can be planted immediately in large quantities, since not everyone can ascend. And so you will choose the best sprouts for further dive.
  3. The container can be covered with cling film or a cap from a plastic bottle to create the effect of a greenhouse. Also put the pots in a warm place.
To plant lemon seedlings in open ground, they are first germinated at home or on the balcony.

Seed preparation and planting is carried out in the same sequence as already described above. Seedlings are also important to water in a timely manner, and to loosen the soil. In summer, germinated lemons can be kept in the garden or on the balcony.and in winter they need to ensure peace.

In open ground, plant those lemons that have reached the age of 1-2 years, having a healthy and strong appearance. It is advisable to plant seedlings on the site in the warm season, when the ground is already warmed up.

Further care

In the future, you need to maintain the temperature at least 18 degrees. Periodically, the earth should be irrigated from the spray gun. The cling film or cap is removed once a day to air the seeds for approximately 15 minutes. If condensation appears on the surface of the film or cap, remove it.

When shoots appear, you must also observe the regime of small watering. Gradually, the sprouts accustom to room air, and when they grow 4-5 leaves, then you can pick.

It is worth remembering that this plant loves a constant temperature, it is hard to tolerate a change in conditions, and also it needs humidity. As the lemon grows, its crown is formed, weak branches will need to be removed.


In the photo you will see what the lemon tree looks like:

Possible errors and recommendations

  1. The most important thing is not to fill the seeds after planting. They just can rot.
  2. Lemon seeds do not need to be deeply buried, otherwise it will be difficult for the sprout to break through.
  3. If you do not create a greenhouse effect, then the seedlings will have to wait a long time.
  4. Water for irrigation is used at room temperature.
  5. A small lemon does not need fertilizers and top dressing.
  6. When picking seedlings, it is best to choose clay pots. Also select the best seedlings.
  7. Seedlings should be in a bright place, but it is important that direct sunlight does not fall.

Now for you it is no secret the subtleties of growing lemon at home and in the open. It is important that you follow the rules carefully so that the seeds can sprout., and sprouts became strong seedlings. Then soon you will be able to enjoy the fragrant tree, and when vaccinating, tasty fruits.

Interesting video

We offer you to watch a video about growing lemon from seed:

Watch the video: How to Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed (October 2024).

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