Payment for dislike for cleaning. Where does dust mite allergy come from and how to overcome it?

There is dust in every apartment and house. Even with careful daily wet cleaning, dust will be in the home.

Especially a lot of dust accumulates in places that are located in such a way that it is difficult to carry out cleaning. It is there where dust mites first of all settle.

When there are a lot of parasites, this can affect the health of people living in the apartment. What symptoms should be addressed and which doctor should be consulted - read on.

What are these inhabitants of house dust?

It is difficult to see the dust mite through the eyes; it is small in size. The length of his body is not more than 0.5 cm. Home apartments and residential buildings are an ideal place for housing such parasites. It is in such conditions that ticks multiply rapidly. For several months, the female can lay several tens of eggs.

Due to the fact that ticks are small in size, they have the ability to remain invisible for a long time to the owners of apartments and houses.

Parasites choose a place for their habitat, where there is a lot of dust, warmth and moderate humidity. These parasites like to live in:

  • feather pillows;
  • woolen blankets;
  • carpeting;
  • carpets;
  • soft children's toys.

They actively reproduce and live in closets with linen and clothes, sleeping mattresses and hard-to-reach places.

What is an allergen?

When there are a lot of dust mites, they begin to affect the health of people living in the apartment. One gram of house dust can contain up to one hundred individuals of parasites. In the case when this figure increases five times, the human body shows its reaction.

Dung mite excrement is an allergen. Mites also have chitinous cover, which also causes an allergic reaction of the human body. The peculiarity of this cover is that even after the death of the parasite, a person will react to it.

Why arises?

The main reason is the high reactivity of the human immune system. Therefore, people prone to allergies should not use immunostimulants.

There are more than 150 species of dust mites. They defecate up to 20 times a day. It is to these feces that a negative reaction often occurs in humans.


Symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction include the following:

  • cough for no reason;
  • constant sneezing;
  • burning sensation and itching in the nose and throat;
  • clear discharge from the nose;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • irritation in the eyes, discomfort;
  • irritation on the skin of a person;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing.

All these symptoms in a person occur while in an apartment or house. As soon as he leaves the premises, then all of the above symptoms pass, the condition normalizes. This indicates the presence of allergies to dust mites that breed in house dust.

Similar dust parasites breed actively in the period from August to October. It is during this time period that allergic reactions manifest themselves most strongly.

Who is diagnosed and how?

First of all, you yourself can suspect that an allergic reaction occurs. Your first steps should be to go to a medical facility. You can visit the therapist if the disease occurs in an adult. If an allergic reaction is observed in a child, you can visit a pediatrician. The doctor will carefully listen to you and give you a referral to such a narrow specialist as an allergist. Many cities have special allergy centers.

Several methods can be distinguished to clarify such a diagnosis:

  1. Skin tests. The advantage of this method is the simplicity and speed of the results. You can also note the low cost of these analyzes.
  2. You can take a blood test for the presence of IgE antibodies. If a person has a high content of these antibodies, then we can conclude that there is an allergic reaction in the body.
  3. Application tests. It is using this test that you can identify the cause of skin allergies.
  4. Provocative tests. To date, it is considered one of the most accurate tests to determine the presence of an allergic reaction.

What method of diagnosis is for you, the doctor will best determine. Children under the age of three are not recommended to test for allergic reactions. It is believed that at this age, quite informative and distorted answers are often obtained.

Description of reaction and photo

What does an allergic reaction look like in adults and children to ticks? Let's talk about this in more detail.

In children

Usually, children are more prone to an allergic reaction than adults. In children, severe skin itching, dry skin and peeling may occur. This can occur in different places. It gives a very strong discomfort to the child. The baby can comb his skin before the blood. An infection can get into the wounds that appear and the inflammatory process begins.

The following consequences may be such as:

  • persistent runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • eye irritation;
  • the development of bronchial asthma.

In adults

The reaction of the adult body to the presence of an allergen is individual. Possible manifestations:

  • itchy skin;
  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the eyes;
  • sensations of sand in the eyes.

Often people start coughing for no reason. This is usually a dry cough. Often there is the development of bronchial asthma. According to statistics in an adult, asthma due to allergies occurs more often than in children.

The consequences of not being treated

If a person constantly has an allergen in his body, then the sensitivity of his respiratory system increases and intensifies. This contributes to the fact that allergic asthma begins to develop. As a rule, many people ignore treatment. Thus, they drag out and intensify their disease. And when a critical point comes, a more serious disease occurs.

Bronchial asthma is a very serious disease that requires constant monitoring. A person may experience asthma attacks, he does not have enough oxygen, it seems that he begins to suffocate.

Besides in humans, there are consequences such as anaphylactic shock and angioedema. It is also a very dangerous disease.

It is very important to start treatment in a timely manner. It is necessary to abandon self-medication. It is worth contacting a qualified doctor.

What to do if an allergic reaction occurs?

If you have identified symptoms of an allergic reaction in yourself or a loved one, then you need to do the following:

  1. Visit a doctor and tell him the symptoms that you feel.
  2. If the doctor has identified an allergy to a dust mite, then it is necessary to make a high-quality general cleaning of the house or apartment.
  3. It is necessary to throw out all the old, unnecessary things that you do not use. After all, it is in this rubbish that dust accumulates, and dust parasites begin to multiply.
  4. Replace textile and household items with others that do not collect dust. It is recommended to get rid of carpets, curtains, soft toys, etc.
  5. It is recommended to vacuum the apartment daily. The vacuum cleaner itself is designed to remove dust. This must be done carefully and systematically.
  6. During ironing and washing linens, clothes.

In addition to these simple rules, there are special tools that will help get rid of this problem.

Prevention of recurrence

In order to prevent unexpected guests such as dust mites from appearing in your house, the following points must be observed:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner systematically. It is recommended that they clean not only the floors in the apartment, but also vacuum the upholstered furniture.
  • Regularly clean the filter, which is located in the vacuum cleaner.
  • Do not abuse the decor. As you know, quite a lot of dust can accumulate on them, which is difficult to constantly clean.
  • You should not collect at home things that you do not need and lie for a long time without use. It’s best to get rid of them.
  • Wash and iron your bedding in a timely manner.
  • Purchase home furniture with special dust-resistant upholstery.
  • It is important to monitor the humidity level in the apartment. It’s bad when the room is dry.
  • When washing floors, use disinfectants. One of the easiest you can cook at home. Take three tablespoons of salt and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Rinse the floor with the resulting solution. After that, wash the floor again, but only with clean water.
  • It is recommended to abandon a large number of curtains in the house.
  • You should not immediately make your bed after a night's sleep. It must be remembered that air and sun rays adversely affect dust parasites.
  • Systematically wash children's soft toys to prevent dust accumulation.
  • It is necessary to carry out systematic ventilation of the premises. It is known that air from the street adversely affects dust mites.

Today, there are many ways to get rid of the presence of an allergic reaction. Listen to your body signals. Be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Watch the video: Surrey Carpet Cleaners Allergy And Dust Mite Cleaning (October 2024).

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