The best beaches for swimming in Zanzibar - TOP 8

The main island of the Zanzibar archipelago is a traditionally attractive place for tourists who are attracted by a beach holiday on the picturesque ocean coast. The beaches of Zanzibar, where the water is clear and the wide coastline is covered with white sand, are rightfully considered one of the best in the Indian Ocean.

What is attractive beach vacation in Zanzibar

The geographical position of the island is such that the air temperature almost does not fall below 21 degrees. And this is in August, and keeps average values ​​within the range of 29-31 degrees and a minimum of about 24. For this reason, the summer here is year-round, although it falls on our calendar winter months - Zanzibar is still located in the southern hemisphere. The sea, accordingly, warms up perfectly, up to 25-28 degrees, depending on the month.

The swimming season on the best beaches of Zanzibar lasts almost the whole year, except for the periods of rains that fall in April-May and November. You can still swim at this time, since it is never known for sure either the amount of rain or their intensity. However, violent and prolonged heavy rains occur that affect the life of the whole island.

Despite these isolated “buts” that occur only a couple of times a year, in general, the resort island of Zanzibar is a very suitable place for a beach holiday. Especially if the vacation fell far from summer. It remains to choose the best beach on the whole island for swimming: with or without ebb, with a beautiful beach, a safe bottom and comfortable service!

Nakupenda (Nakupenda Beach) - bright colors of the ocean

Of all the photos of the beaches of Zanzibar, Nakupenda Beach stands out with emerald-blue shades of sea water. Framed by snow-white coastal sand under a deep blue sky, the landscapes look especially picturesque. Visiting tourists are impressed by the color and affability of local residents, which complement the overall picture of a paradise.

The beach got its name - the disappearing island of Nakupenda, in fact, the surface of the island-beach is regularly hidden under water due to strong tides. It is located near Stone Town in the western part of the island. The entire infrastructure is imported, as are the tourists. However, they all unanimously reiterate that this is the best place, and it is worth it to get to it and see everything with your own eyes.

The beach is relatively small, but clean and visited - without any problems two to three hundred vacationers are accommodated. The coastal cover is exclusively sandy, the entry into the sea is comfortable, many boats for walking and excursions, various diving options, visually accessible sea bottom inhabitants, fish and even dolphins. It offers excellent hearty dinners - a lot of seafood (always fresh), beans, french fries and drinks. And also - souvenirs, colorful reefs, a lot of opportunities for photos and new experiences.

Jambiani Beach - the appeal of the tides

On the map of the beaches of Zanzibar, Jambiani is indicated almost at the most southeastern point of the island. This is one of the most remote places in the resort and for this reason is less visited by tourists.

Coastal cover - fine white sand, according to vacationers, cool even in the heat. The seabed consists of coral slabs, at some distance from the coast overgrown with algae, part of them after low tides gets to the beach. The inhabitants of the ocean are very different: sea urchins, stars, cucumbers, crabs, etc., which leads to the admiration of children.

When entering the sea, you should be careful - at the bottom there are stones that become clearly visible during low tide. This inconvenience is fixable with the help of special slippers. Fans of the tides will be able to observe kilometer-long variants of these amazing natural phenomena, wander through the open spaces, and familiarize themselves with the fauna.

The place is famous for its silence and low population - the best corner for a secluded vacation, which is facilitated by numerous small cafes, cozy and inexpensive. In a village nearby there is a market; on the beach itself, service is poorly presented.

Kendwa Beach for lovers of low tide beaches

Among the best beaches in Zanzibar without low tide, travelers often choose Kendwa Beach. Small in length, with a wide beach strip, it is considered the most attractive on the northwest coast. From the nearby popular Nungwi beach, about half an hour on foot south along the sand spit. Although, according to observations, there is sometimes murky water.

In general, Kendwa is known for white sand and the sea in turquoise shades. It is usually crowded, as there are many hotels and restaurants nearby, as well as small shops and merchants. Due to high competition, prices are quite low. Entering the water is comfortable, without hedgehogs, but with beautiful starfish. Near some hotels and cafes, when purchasing, for example, a drink, you can use a beach umbrella or a sun lounger.

Nungwi (Nungwi Beach) - beauty on the shore and under water

Nungwi Beach is located on the extreme northern point of the resort island and is considered one of the best beaches in Zanzibar for swimming without ebbs. The main local attraction is the coral reef, which divers actively descend to. The sand is also of coral origin, soft, white and does not heat in the sun. The color of the water delights tourists with the rich shades of sea turquoise. The entry into the water is comfortable, the sea is clear and clean. Ebbs and flows are small.

The beach is visited by many tourists, from here the popular sea excursions to the islands of the archipelago begin. Many consider Nungwi the best place for a bathing holiday due to the lack of waves. A huge number of hotels and restaurants provide all possible amenities, fresh seafood, quality dinners, an inexpensive menu. In the evenings, you can enjoy beautiful sunsets and watch the Masai dance.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

Paje Beach - ideal for kiting

It occupies the east coast five kilometers north of Jambiani beach. The beach is vast, approximately equally distant from the extreme (northern and southern) points of Zanzibar. This place is distinguished by the absence of stones on the seabed and is considered one of the smallest and smoothest - therefore it is best suited for families with children. The weather is always great.

Paje Beach belongs to the beaches of Zanzibar with almost no ebb - the water goes relatively close and remains knee-deep, and arrives approximately chest-to-neck. The sand is white and even, when entering the water you need to watch so as not to get on the hedgehog and it is better to use special shoes.

There are two kite schools here that help you quickly master the technique of riding on the board. You can rent a kite and ride an oar on your own. Nearby there are many restaurants, cafes, hotels, it is possible to book a bungalow right on the beach. Thanks to the dive center, scooter rental, sailboats for a walk to the reef, the place is quite visited by tourists, it is almost always crowded here.

Matemwe Beach - high tides for swimming

Located on the northeast coast of the island, next to the village of the same name. Matemwe is distinguished by the availability of hotels, which are the best place for Italian tourists. The hotels are expensive, the staff speaks Italian. Around well-groomed green lawns, on the coast, air-conditioned bungalows. Although the beach itself is not crowded.

The sand spit is wide, the coast is rolled and comfortable, a warm breeze. The sea coast is abundantly inhabited by animals - hedgehogs, stars, crabs and other inhabitants are forced to wear safety shoes while swimming. The tides are very high, and since the sea is shallow, you can swim almost only during the arriving water. From the owners of the boats there are many offers to go fishing, from the Masai - to watch the show or to travel with excursions.
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Uroa (Uroa Bay) - original and colorful

Uroa is located on the east coast of Zanzibar, about 40 km from Stone Town. Local residents are active on the beach - their village is located nearby, there is a seaweed farm. The tides are very distant - the water leaves for 2-3 km. At low tide, women come to collect seafood or to work on plantations of seaweed. On walks along the tidal banks, you can find beautiful shells.

The sand is white and soft, entry into the sea is almost safe, there are not many hedgehogs, the water is bright green. Locals offer excursions, including Russian-speaking, as well as henna painting, souvenir products, it is possible to order. Directly on the beach there are few people - tourists prefer to relax at their hotels.

Kiwengwa Beach - Beach Holidays & Activities

The best beaches in Zanzibar for swimming include Kiwengwa. This is the northeastern coast, with well-defined tides. The sand is white and soft, an ocean of bright blue hues, palm groves, shading hotels. Bathing is comfortable, the bottom is clean. The beach is replete with offers from local merchants and local children who need attention. There is a lot of music, performances, fun, but you can find secluded places.

For tourists visiting the beaches of Zanzibar, this is an unforgettable time, full of new experiences, admiring the beauty and always - the desire to return!

The beaches of Zanzibar Island described in the article are marked on the map in Russian.

Watch the video: Zanzibar - Top 10 things and places on the spice island 2019 (October 2024).

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