Adana city in Turkey - what to see and how to get

Little-known cities are a real bait for a sophisticated tourist. It is to such corners of the planet that Adana, Turkey refers. The metropolis, living in its own rhythm, is far from the standard Turkish resorts, but causes genuine interest due to its unique attractions. The city has a highly developed tourist infrastructure and offers many hotels, shopping centers and restaurants. You can learn about everything in detail from our article.

General information

Adana - one of the largest cities in Turkey, which is the administrative center of the region of the same name, is located in the central southern part of the country. The metropolis covers an area of ​​13,844 square meters. km Its population exceeds 2 million people. The city is considered an important industrial center, where the production of textile, chemical and food products is developed.

Adana is located on the banks of the Seyhan River, 50 km from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and 70 km from Mersin. And although this location does not allow the city to have the status of a beach resort, it is of great interest as an excursion center, due to its rich history.

The city of Adana occupies a fairly ancient territory, which was first chosen by the first settlers in the 14th century BC. Over the centuries, he passed to one or the other dominant empire, and managed to be in the hands of Armenians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and eventually became an important area of ​​the Ottoman Empire.

Today the city is conditionally divided into the Old and New districts: the first is a cluster of old mosques, traditional Turkish bazaars and hotels; its second part is modern quarters where business life is seething. In Adana there are many shopping centers, bars and restaurants, and here you can find a hotel for every taste. It is noteworthy that the metro operates in the metropolis.


The undoubted advantage of the city, attracting curious travelers, are the sights of Adana. Among them you can find both religious and historical monuments, as well as interesting natural objects. What is worth paying attention to when visiting a metropolis?

Adana Merkez Camii Mosque

This mosque, located on the picturesque banks of the Seyhan River, rightfully deserves the status of one of the largest in Turkey. In its dimensions, capacity and height of the minarets, it surpasses the famous Istanbul mosque of Sultan Akhmet. Its building can accommodate more than two tens of thousands of parishioners. A notable feature of this mosque is its six minarets instead of the standard four. The construction is surrounded by a well-kept park, so here you can find wonderful backgrounds in order to make original photos of the city of Adana in Turkey.

When visiting a mosque, certain rules must be followed. In particular, women are allowed inside only with their legs, shoulders and head covered. If your appearance does not meet accepted standards, you can take a scarf and a bathrobe at the entrance.

  • The attraction is accessible to tourists in the morning and afternoon, admission is free.
  • To view the mosque will take no more than 20 minutes.
  • Address: Seyhan Nehri Kiyisi, Adana, Turkey.
Adana Merkez Park

In the city of Adana in Turkey there is a beautifully equipped park with numerous green areas, flower beds and comfortable areas for recreation. Here is the promenade, from which there are suspended bridges leading to citrus orchards. In the park you can admire its inhabitants in the face of geese, ducks and swans, slowly swimming along the river.

On the Seyhan shore there are several cozy cafes and restaurants serving traditional Turkish dishes and black tea. Here, the central city mosque rises majestically, harmoniously blending with the general picturesque background.

  • You can visit the attraction at any time for free.
  • Address: Seyhan River Road, Adana 01000, Turkey.
Tas Kopru Bridge

Tas Kopru is a long, wide bridge made of white stone, which is more than a thousand years old. Combining two river banks, it once served as an important road artery, and today it serves as a pedestrian bridge. On the one hand, Tas Kopru offers views of the old part of the city, on the other - a new district with its modern buildings. This is a great place where you can take beautiful photos of Adana in Turkey: especially successful pictures are taken during sunset, when the sky and the historical building itself are reflected in the water.

  • The attraction is open for visiting at any time for free.
  • There are several souvenir shops on the bridge.
  • Address: Seyhan cd., Adana, Turkey.
Clock Tower (Buyuk Saat)

If you have already looked at the photos of Adana, then, for sure, you paid attention to the high clock tower. This landmark, whose name translates as "Big Clock", is located in the Old Town. Of interest is not so much the tower itself, remarkable only for its height, as the narrow streets surrounding it and the area of ​​artisans. It houses traditional souvenir shops and shops where you can buy spices and Turkish sweets. It will be interesting to look at the tower in the evening, when its beautiful lighting is turned on. In general, it is an ideal place for leisurely walks, saturated with oriental flavor.

  • You can visit the clock tower at any time.
  • Address: Ali Munif Caddesi, Adana 01030, Turkey.
Mosque Ulu Cami ve Külliyesi

This oldest mosque of Adana is located in the Old District and is included in one historical complex along with the madrasah. Its building is significantly different from modern mosques in its miniature size. Over the centuries, Ulu Cami has undergone reconstruction several times, which is why it has lost its individual style, but it is this feature that causes great interest in the construction. The mosque has a patio where a calm and peaceful atmosphere reigns. There is also a small cafe serving Turkish coffee and black tea.

  • The attraction is open for tourists from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • The entrance is free.
  • Address: Ulu Cami Mh., Adana, Turkey.
Varda Varda

Sights of the city of Adana are so unique that sometimes even act as a platform for filming a movie. This includes the Varda Varda, which is a magnificent bridge connecting the two sides of a deep gorge. Built at the beginning of the 20th century, it became widely known after the 23rd James Bond spy movie: the shooting of one of the episodes of the tape took place directly at the attraction itself.

The bridge is an existing railway facility. To enjoy the breathtaking views of the Varda Varda just walk 300 meters from the highway.

  • Tourists who are here are advised to survey the area not by foot, but by car.
  • Admire the bridge for free at any time.
  • Address: Hacikiri Kiralan Koyu | Karaisalı, Adana 01770, Turkey.
Kapikaya Kanyonu Canyon

A 45-minute drive from Adana is a curious natural attraction - Kapikaya Canyon. This is a huge gorge, washed by stormy river flows, where you can walk along a rocky route under a narrow strip of sky. Along the way, you will meet picturesque rapids and waterfalls.

  • The canyon is equipped with walkways and fences.
  • At the entrance there is a small cafe.
  • Visit the attraction for free at any time.

Rest in Adana: accommodation and meals

Golden Deluxe Hotel

Hotels in Adana in Turkey are quite diverse: here you can find world-class hotels such as Hilton and Sheraton, and budget options from the 3 * category. So, to settle in a double room for a night in a three-star hotel will cost an average of $ 30-35. It is worth noting that the city has a large number of 4 * hotels, the prices of which are very close to the cost of living in hotels a star lower. For example, staying for a day at the Golden Deluxe Hotel will cost $ 44 for two, while breakfast is included in the price. This type of accommodation, such as apartments in Adana, is not presented, so when looking for housing, focus on hotels.

Hasan Usta Kebap

The metropolis boasts an abundance of cafes and restaurants, which are located at every step. Moreover, prices in these institutions are very affordable. Lunch at an inexpensive restaurant will cost only $ 4 per person. And in a middle-class cafe, you dine for about $ 13 for two: at the same time, you will be served at least three different dishes. Of course, in Adana you will always have the opportunity to have a meal in fast food, the amount of the receipt in which does not exceed $ 4. And from the list below you can find prices for popular drinks:

  • Coca-Cola 0.33 ml - $ 0.5
  • Water 0.33 ml - 0.2 $
  • Cup of cappuccino - $ 1.9
  • Local beer 0.5 ml - $ 2
  • Imported beer 0.33 ml - $ 2.2
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How to get to the city

Adana Airport

6 km south-west of Adana is an airport, which can be reached from many cities in Turkey, including Antalya, Ankara, Izmir, Istanbul and others. There are no direct flights from Moscow and Kiev to a given direction, so you can get to the metropolis only with transfers. The easiest way to fly to Adana from Istanbul. Alternatively, you can use regular intercity buses or trains. But the distance from Istanbul to Adana exceeds 900 km, and such methods will take you a lot of time (from 12 to 14 hours).

Regular flights from Istanbul to Adana are carried out by several Turkish carriers, in particular Turkish Airlines, Onur Air and Pegasus Airlines. Flight time on average takes 1 hour 30 minutes. Airfare Istanbul-Adana starts at $ 36. To get to the city itself, upon arrival at the airport, take a taxi or catch a minibus next to the main city bus station.
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If you are looking for uncharted areas, then go to the city of Adana, Turkey. Perhaps, here you will not be caught by the gentle sea waters and sandy beaches, but you will have the opportunity to look at the country from a different angle. And the abundance of attractions in Adana will brighten up your trip with a significant amount of knowledge and new experiences.

Watch the video: ADANA Turkey - What did we miss? Peter Ambis Travel VLOG (October 2024).

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