Rules for choosing furniture for schoolchildren in the house, important nuances

As the child grows, his admission to school, parents are worried about many important questions, and among them - how to choose the right furniture for the student for the home. After all, now the regime, interests, needs have become somewhat different, and they need to be taken into account. The student will spend a lot of time at the table, doing homework, which means that it is necessary to pay even more attention to his health. In addition, to stimulate interest in learning, as psychologists and designers believe, partly it is possible with the help of a well-equipped training zone.


School home furniture is a special category that must meet important criteria, because the child spends a lot of time at the desk. Specialized furniture is purchased at schools, but parents cannot always correctly evaluate its safety and influence it. But at home, this process can be monitored and picked up something that certainly will not do much harm. A good design and the right decor stimulate the child to spend time happily doing homework.

The components of the training corner must comply with the following parameters:

  1. Safety means using the most environmentally friendly materials in the manufacture of furniture. Most types of particleboard contain formaldehyde resins, MDF is quite safe and approved for use in children. The preferred option is a natural tree, but you need to be prepared for its high cost;
  2. Functionality - allows you to place the maximum number of useful modules and storage systems conveniently, while saving space. This is a particularly important parameter if the child does not have a separate room;
  3. Suitable size - with growth up to 120 cm - the height of the table should be up to 52 cm, and with growth over 120 cm - 60 cm;
  4. Ergonomics - a competent location of the training zone in the room.

These criteria play a paramount role in the choice of educational furniture, and only then their coloring, design and decoration. In this case, you should also listen to the opinion of the child, but do not go blindly about him.

You can find an alternative: for example, parents choose the size and safe option, and the student chooses the color and option of storing office supplies. If a schoolboy doesn’t like the new furniture, he may lose his desire to study.


What kind of furniture for the student will be chosen depends on a large number of factors: the presence or absence of a separate children's room, the age of the child, and other parameters.


The basis of the training area is, of course, a table. A free-standing table is a classic of educational furniture for a child. Models designed for students are diverse: angular, square, semicircular. The most popular is a square table for younger students and a rectangular option for the middle.

At the same time, the table must necessarily fit the child in size, therefore, special standards have been developed:

  • The working surface should be located a few centimeters below the baby’s chest;
  • If you put your elbows on the table and straighten your hands, the middle finger should be at eye level - this will indicate that the height is selected correctly;
  • Elbows should lie freely on the table;
  • For elementary school students, worktops with dimensions of 600 * 600 mm are usually sufficient;
  • For older ages, you will need a computer, and since the optimal distance from the eyes to the monitor is 70 cm, the depth should be greater.

If there are 2 or more children in a family who have a common children's room, then an elongated version of the countertop will be a good option. She will be able to provide a writing surface for two at once. To save space, corner table options are great. At the same time, storage systems for books and textbooks can be made mounted.


A proper chair is also important for health, so preferred models should have the following parameters:

  • Rigid back with a bend similar to the position of the spine;
  • The seat is hard;
  • Sustainable, office options on wheels do not fit;
  • Lack of armrests;
  • A suitable height, while the child’s hip, knee and ankle joints should be bent at an angle of 90 °, and the foot should be completely on the floor.

Orthopedic furniture is the most preferred option. It will help in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, maintaining visual acuity.


Modular designs that combine several functional zones at once allow you to significantly save space and not worry about organizing them indoors. Modules can combine a berth, a training zone, a variety of storage systems. Typically, such options are used for a small room, photos will tell you how to arrange the modules. Most of these designs are well thought out and comfortable.

Storage systems for educational supplies

Organized storage systems for office supplies and books are also part of school furniture. It can be hinged shelves, or part of an integrated modular design, drawers of the table itself or a chest of drawers. For younger students, you can use more interesting options. For example, use wooden boxes, transparent containers or an unusual open bookcase to store books.

But there are several features that will help you make the right choice:

  • The closer the shelves to the table, the more convenient;
  • It is easier for a child to clean up on an open shelf than in a closed bedside table;
  • Convenient to use are special stands for folders and files placed directly on the table, especially considering that books for elementary school students are usually large and heavy;
  • Specialized office supplies will be useful: colored paper, cardboard, notebooks are placed in trays, pen holders are used to store pencils;
  • Railing above the table - a system of stainless steel, with the necessary number of stands, lamps screwed to it - this option allows you to free the table from small things.

There are really a lot of options, so organizing an interesting and convenient storage is not a problem.

How to arrange in a room

For quite some time now, zoning has been recognized as the best way to organize space in rooms. The same principle should be taken into account when arranging furniture for a student for home. Separating the study area from everyone else is more practical and functional, and also helps the child to get ready for work and not be distracted by toys. But do not deprive him of entertainment at all - on the table or shelf you can allocate space for a couple of your favorite things.

It is better to position the training area in front of the window. Natural lighting is the most optimal for the eyes, in addition, the view outside the window helps the child to distract from classes and give rest to the eyes.

The location on the side of the window is also perfect and will make daylight more diffused. But even if the furniture for the student is close to sources of natural light, the organization of artificial is also mandatory. To do this, use a table lamp, which is placed on the table on the left - if the child is right-handed, on the right - if left-handed. It should be adjustable in height as well as the angle of inclination.

Required functionality

The set of furniture for the student, necessary to make the learning place the most functional and practical, consists of several essential elements:

  1. A desk that matches the height and age of the child. If the child is already using a computer, then, if possible, it is better for him to organize a separate place, so he will not be very distracting directly from school;
  2. A children's chair with a back providing the correct landing;
  3. Equipped storage system for notebooks and books, located next to the table. This will allow you not to break away from classes in search of the necessary materials. To save space, furniture for the student in the form of a transformer, hanging shelves and drawers is perfect;
  4. A place to store stationery: pens, pencils, rulers - better on the countertop itself;
  5. Artificial lighting, in particular, a table lamp - its power should be 40-60 watts.

An interesting solution is to use a slate in the interior. It performs no longer a decorative function, but a practical one, giving the child the opportunity to draw, write down important dates, thereby learning how to self-organize.

A sufficient number of convenient storage systems will help to keep the place for classes in order - the schoolchild himself can handle the cleaning.

Which is better to choose

The most appropriate option would be to purchase a free-standing table equipped with storage modules, or the ability to place hanging shelves nearby.

From a practical point of view, it will be convenient to purchase special furniture for growing students. The table, which can be adjusted in height, will last several years, and it will not have to be changed as the child grows. In addition, usually in such transformer tables, it is not only the height that is regulated, which makes it easy to adapt to any parameters. Most of them are equipped with a special retractable stand for a computer monitor, if necessary. At the same time, it is better to purchase a chair in the kit.

The advantages of such transformer kits:

  • The anatomical features of children are taken into account;
  • The adjustment is very convenient, since the scale is indicated in accordance with the growth;
  • The possibility of tilting the surface of the countertop;
  • Possible adjustment of height, depth;
  • Bag hooks;
  • In some species, there is an additional footrest if the child is too small;
  • A variety of color options.

Another table will need to be bought when the baby reaches adolescence.

If we consider the furniture for the student from the position of sex, then when choosing it there are some features, although the set of necessary items is the same. For example, young men are more comfortable with sufficient free space, so the furniture for a boy - a schoolboy is more bulky and takes up more space. Lighting during study should be brighter, as it stimulates their performance. For girls, the coloring and the surface pleasant to the touch are very important, but the sizes can be chosen more modest. Usually girls prefer pastel shades - this is important to consider.

Furniture for the room of a schoolboy - a boy, as well as for a girl, comes in different colors. In general, in any case, it is better to give preference to a light or natural wooden palette in the design of the countertop. A bright writing surface will not contribute to focus and concentration. But the rest of the space can be any color.

Even if the child’s room is equipped as comfortably as possible, this does not mean that for the next 10 years she should remain unchanged. Children grow up, their interests change, and the space around the student must change with him. Moreover, in most cases, cardinal changes are not required, only a few adjustments. But, of course, in adolescence, almost all furniture will need to be replaced with a more “adult” version.



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