Overview of doors for sliding wardrobes, and their features

A sliding wardrobe is an excellent solution for a small apartment, where you need to save space in every possible way. Precious space is maximally preserved thanks to the design of the doors. They do not swing open, as in the classical version, but move apart. The doors for the sliding wardrobe are installed with the help of wheels on special runners or rails, so they slide so easily back and forth without interfering in the aisle.


The sliding doors to the closet in the photo will be a real salvation for a narrow entrance hall due to their ergonomics and practicality. For a children's room, they are best suited, because this option is the safest. Mirror or glass doors for sliding wardrobes will be a magnificent decoration for the living room, eliminating the need to find a suitable mirror separately in the room. And for the bedroom, wooden doors with their warm, natural motifs would be an ideal solution.

In addition to the material, the type of door systems for sliding wardrobes determines the type of overall design. The fact is that the cabinet can be built-in or cabinet. In the latter case, it is a freestanding piece of furniture with rear and side walls, a ceiling and a floor with sliding doors. It is mobile, which will be a big plus for people who like to regularly make changes in the apartment. However, you will have to try hard to find a copy that is suitable in size, especially if the dimensions of the room are non-standard. Although such typical products are much cheaper than custom-made.

A built-in closet is usually located in a niche or in any other part of the room. The walls and floor of the room serve as supports and borders for it; doors are made separately. Finished doors are put on rails, in addition to the kit shelves, partitions, and accessories can be made.

This option has a more presentable appearance, because it looks monolithic, that is, merges with the wall, ceiling and floor. The built-in closet looks like an integral part of the interior of the room, there are no gaps and crevices.

Before choosing doors for cabinets, you need to decide on the design of the product. What are the doors? Their main types are:

  • outboard;
  • with laid on profile;
  • framework;
  • coplanar.

How to choose a suitable wardrobe in the apartment? What type of doors are more practical, comfortable and not too expensive? All types of designs have their advantages and disadvantages, having analyzed which, you can choose the option that suits you.

With profileCoplanarOutboardFramework


The doors for a suspended sliding door wardrobe, although they are the simplest construction of all, have appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. Their low cost helped to get ahead of all other options in popularity.

According to the photo of the doors on the sliding wardrobe, it is almost impossible to consider any structural details. All parts of this system are mounted under the ceiling, on the topmost cabinet lid. These doors are really suspended from the inside of the top by rollers. In the lower part, special guide angles are installed.

The peculiarity of this design is that the floor should be perfect. Enjoying such door panels for a long time will not work. One of the minuses is the fact that the particleboard fabric is used as the main element, but it is not rigid enough. Because of this, there will be problems with arching, sticking and other inconveniences. In addition, with a compartment door already half a meter will be very difficult to handle.

With profile

The overlay profile was invented to prevent bending of particleboard. The design has become more confident, but its weight has significantly increased. The edges of the door are reinforced with a profile, which makes such a system look very similar to the frame one.

This kind of door for a sliding wardrobe implies support on the rollers from below, and they come with bearings. The rollers in the upper part also remained, however, they only support the main structure. All rollers are fixed to the chipboard panel with screws. Parts of the cabinet slide apart easier.

However, the slightest obstacle, a foreign object in the path leads to a skew of the door, it simply pops out of the lower rails. You need to try hard to carefully put the door in place.

Such a sliding wardrobe with glass doors was even heavier because frosted glass or a mirror is attached with glue and double-sided tape.


The compartment doors made by such a system are considered the most durable, the least bending. In addition to the horizontal profile, a vertical one also appeared for them.

The rollers were equipped with miniature antennae that prevent the system from deforming, skewing the door or leaving the track. These antennae serve as a stopper, minimizing the unpleasant consequences of sloppy operation.

The profile itself is made of aluminum or steel, so the sliding panels are more rigid and not so heavy. The universality of this profile is evidenced by several factors:

  • a variety of filling materials - not only chipboard is used here as the basis, but also combinations of frosted white glass, wood, mirrors;
  • the possibility of two-sided use - now the rollers are hidden inside the profile, which allows you to use such doors not only for installation in the closet, but also in the dressing room, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and other rooms as an ordinary door;
  • wide range of colors - the profile can be decorated with wood, plastic, metal of any color and texture.


Doors for a sliding wardrobe according to such a system look like a solid facade. A remarkable feature can be called the fact that the canvases of the structure do not overlap, as in all other cases, but are on the same level.

The absence of frames and a single plane make it possible to assemble a structure of several doors reaching one and a half, almost two meters wide, and their weight can reach 50-70 kg. This elite novelty in the world market of sliding wardrobes certainly outstrips the usual aluminum frame structures.

Such doors can be mounted for false facades using a monorail system. Then the appearance of the whole composition will change every time the paintings are shifted to a new position. You can leave certain sections open, closing those that are nearby. The gaps between such facades are almost invisible. It is possible to install closers for smoother sliding doors.

One of the Italian manufacturers has developed a silent sliding mechanism for system elements, ensuring impeccable smoothness and safety of their movement. In the previous mechanisms, rollers were installed, while in this system the manufacturer began to use ball bearings.

Special devices - dampers - exclude any noise, provide softness and ease of opening. In addition, the weight of each element can reach 70 kg.

Materials of manufacture

You can choose a unique interior for your home using the unique design of the closet. Often it takes a leading place and often a significant part of the room. Therefore, the choice of material of manufacture must be taken seriously. This piece of furniture should be in harmony with the environment, fit the general style of the room, be an integral part of it.

There are many options for decorating compartment doors for both a built-in cabinet and a cabinet. The most basic materials are the following:

  • Chipboard - a durable material that is resistant to mechanical damage, is easily cleaned from various contaminants and dust. It belongs to one of the cheapest ways to decorate a wardrobe. Such furniture will not particularly stand out, it will become part of a laconic interior;
  • glass - frosted glass or acrylic glass doors are most often used for the manufacture of sliding wardrobes. Transparent modules are impractical, at least for closets with things, since all content is easy to view. An excellent alternative to ordinary glass will be a varnish (frosted surface, which allows you to orient yourself in space when approaching) and varnish (varnished glass with a glossy surface, often of different colors);
  • a mirror is a winning option for a small room that needs visual expansion. You can make the doors completely out of the mirror, you can make symmetrical inserts, waves, diagonal fragments. As for the design of such a surface, this is not particularly required, but you can resort to blackout, colored glass inserts, sandblasting or a matte finish. Such a cabinet will look stylish and original, especially if it is custom-made;
  • plastic - is inexpensive, has many colors and textures. The advantage of plastic doors for sliding wardrobes is that they are universal and fit into any modern interior. The facade can be matte or glossy;
  • wood - inserts or whole doors made of bamboo and rattan look spectacular and exotic. These materials are environmentally friendly, practical and varied in color. They are durable, very durable, easy to clean, not afraid of temperature changes. They are often used in the manufacture of folding doors for wardrobes;
  • leather - such products look expensive and strict, so they are more suitable for an office or other official premises. Although you can choose a neutral shade, say, snake texture and put such a closet in the bedroom. The leather surface is easy to care for;
  • photo printing - modern technology allows you to apply to the surface absolutely any pattern that does not fade, does not fade and does not burn out in the sun. For photo printing on the door of the sliding wardrobe, most often use panoramas of nature, cities, beautiful landscapes. At the request of the client, the manufacturer can make a collage of personal photos, then the room will always be filled with joyful moments from the life of the residents of the house.
Photo printingPlasticLeatherMirrorWoodGlassChipboard

Facade Combination Options

As for the design of the doors of the sliding wardrobe, almost any kind of facade can be combined with each other. Combined doors look extremely impressive, stylish, original. In addition, you can choose the elements so that at different positions of the doors the pattern also changes. It can be either symmetric or asymmetric. Thus, depending on the number of installed paintings, the number of composition options will depend.

So, there are several combinations of facades of wardrobes:

  • classic - a solid sheet made of one material. As a rule, they are made of particleboard with imitation wood and mirrors. They are combined in different ways, depending on the number of composition elements, color and texture;
  • geometric - individual rectangular shapes of various sizes. Several rectangles of different widths can be located on one door, alternating squares in a checkerboard pattern. They are usually made of chipboard, glass or a mirror surface;
  • diagonal - oblique pattern is achieved due to the appropriate placement on the facade of metal profiles. Some are parallel to each other, while others are at an angle to the others. Diagonal inserts can be arranged even in a chaotic order, you can select a separate segment of the door, corner or draw a few symmetrical pieces. The combinations of finishing materials are diverse, at the discretion of the designer;
  • sector - a very interesting way, when the facade is divided by profiles into individual cells, which are filled with any of the finishing materials;
  • wave - curved flowing lines divide the facade more gently. You can combine a mirror with rattan, bamboo with plastic, glass with leather. However, this combination method will cost much more than the others, since the metal profile and finishing sheets have to be made individually.

Such a limitless variety of textures, colors, ideas, materials allows the imagination to run wild. As a result, you can get a bedroom that is not like any of the places to relax, a children’s room, different in brightness and individuality, a hallway, where absolutely all large and small things will fit, and about the living room all visitors will remember and tell each other about their individuality for a long time the owner.




Watch the video: Technology for furniture in bedrooms: Hettich sliding door + drawer systems (October 2024).

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