Features of choosing furniture in the boy’s nursery

It’s easy to arrange a room for a child if you follow the basic rules for filling the interior of a children's bedroom. An individual approach to every little thing in the organization of living space will return to parents a smile of happiness for their child. Particular attention is required to furniture for a child’s room for a boy, because in this room the child spends a lot of time.

Primary requirements

The main purpose of children's furniture is to create comfortable and favorable conditions in the child’s room. Adhering to the following requirements, creating an ideal room for a baby or for a teenage boy will be easy and enjoyable:

  • Children's furniture for the boy should be suitable for age. As a child grows up, the filling of the interior changes. For the baby in the room there is enough a children's chest of drawers, a small table for creativity, chairs and a bed. For older children will need desks, sofas, sports corners, chairs;
  • the functionality of the furniture will delight the child and parents who do not have to buy two separate units, replacing them with furniture with transformers, for example, a wardrobe bed is suitable. This will also save room space;
  • furniture manufacturing materials should be environmentally friendly and safe for the health of the child. The canvas itself and the paints with which it will be processed should be clean;
  • the size of the furniture should be suitable for the height of the boy, so that the measure of growth is used to the best;
  • fittings or operating mechanisms pay special attention. Movable furniture parts must be selected high-quality in order to avoid injuries, for example, from a corny door that has fallen off or a handle that has come off. On the door should be installed closers;
  • the wiring of the built-in lighting is hidden in places inaccessible to the child;
  • sharp corners - entertainment for adults. It is advisable for children to choose furniture with rounded corners, especially if the child is very mobile, does not spend a second in one place;
  • durability of furniture will ensure safety under heavy loads. Sufficiently hard surfaces of wooden or plastic furniture will not crack, and injure the baby;
  • Children's furniture should be pleasant to the child. Listen to the opinion of the son;
  • choosing a color of furniture, it is worth giving preference to pastel colors. They do not burden the psyche of the child and make the nursery lighter and more welcoming.

Sleeping area

A berth in the children's room is the most important. There the child is resting and gaining strength. The mood and well-being of the latter depends on how it will be, and how much the baby will like it. Consider the category depending on the age of the child, materials and models available:

  • wooden cots or lullabies are most preferred. They are made of environmentally friendly material, look great and are pleasant to the touch. Some parts can be made of MDF, plastic or metal, however, with a completely wooden base;
  • the size of the bed depends on the age of the child. For newborns, a cradle is acquired. Models can subsequently transform into a crib and serve even until the baby grows up. From 2 to 5 years, the boy sleeps in a standard length bed from 140 to 170 centimeters. It is equipped with bumpers, which are removed as the boy grows up. Adult children up to adolescence need larger beds. Here, attic beds or bunk beds are excellent, on which almost all children from the age of 5 feel comfortable. For older children entering the teenage phase, it is preferable to install a separate bed outside the complex with a closet or work area. This option is suitable for spacious rooms;
  • transformer beds or "growing beds" will help to save on the purchase of new furniture for the child. As the boy grows, they increase to the required size. For small-sized apartments, attic beds and bunk beds, containing cabinets, games or work areas, will be an excellent solution. Do not turn away from sleeping sofas. Such universal designs can last for many years. Their main disadvantage remains the high price. An ordinary wooden bed with drawers below is suitable for a teenage boy. Beds with a podium are also suitable.

The location of the bed depends on the free area of ​​the room for the boys. A room for the boy is equipped with a bed opposite the window so that every morning the child sees the outside world surrounding him. This will favorably affect his health and mood.

Do not forget about choosing a mattress. Hard mattresses are suitable for babies, and as they grow older they need to be replaced with softer ones. Filling is spring or polyurethane foam.


With the start of classes at school or in the preparatory group, the boy needs a full-fledged workplace. The following recommendations will help in arranging a convenient functional place for training:

  • a separate place in the room is allocated for the working area. No need to separate it from the rest of the room with cabinets or other bulky furniture;
  • Place the desktop as close to the window as possible to get as much natural light on its surface as possible. It is also recommended to set the table so that the child at least with a side vision sees the door;
  • Children's furniture for the boy’s schoolchild should match the height of the child. Adjustable designs will be optimal, which will protect caring parents from almost annual waste on new kits. No need to buy furniture for a working meta "for growth" with a large margin. This may adversely affect the health of the child;
  • the surface of the table should be large enough to accommodate a computer there and simultaneously carry out written work. In this case, long or L-shaped worktops are suitable;
  • the working area should be well lit in the dark. Built-in or third-party lighting must be installed on the opposite side of the prevailing hand (left of right-handed people, right of left-handed people). Lighting is best done combined with the concentration of one point source on the used area of ​​the working surface;
  • filling usually consists of drawers in the table and open shelves above it;
  • the chair should be adjustable for greater comfort.

Features of modular furniture

Modular furniture for a nursery for a boy is becoming more popular due to its versatility and mobility. Separate parts of it can be installed in a more convenient manner, in order to maximize the use of free space. This is one of its most important advantages, allowing you to equip the room in the order that parents and the child liked, and after a while make a rearrangement.

Sets of modular furniture can be very diverse, and over time supplemented by their individual parts. Using the modules, a composition is formed that harmoniously fits into the interior design, satisfying the technical and functional needs of the consumer. Modules are designed in such a way that their internal space is maximally involved.

Some manufacturers sell the modules separately, so there is no need to buy the whole kit at once, but to acquire it gradually.

Often, modular furniture is made from environmentally friendly materials, which is preferable when it comes to a child. Mostly used MDF and wood.

Themed Kits

Speaking of modular furniture, we can mention themed sets for filling children's bedrooms. This is a set of elements necessary for the minimum filling of the children's room. We are talking about a certain topic, expressed by the colors of the furniture and its forms, as well as the images printed on its facades.

Imagining similar furniture in the boy’s bedroom, most of them see a bed in the form of a typewriter and the rest of the furniture in the form of a service station. All boys like cars, but they also like nature, history, sports. When choosing thematic options, we advise you to listen to the following tips:

  • color sets can be attributed to thematic. Modules of the same color or color ornament create the color scheme of the room, emphasizing or completely determining its mood. Such sets look harmonious, and fit perfectly into the nursery. Many in this matter rely on manufacturers of Italian furniture;
  • sets on the theme of safari, balloons, marine themes or cars, perfect for boys aged 5 years or older. If a child is really interested in a given room, then such an environment stimulates him to develop in his hobby even more;
  • Kits with images of your favorite characters and heroes are quite common among manufacturers, but because of their capabilities, they only release modules with the most popular trendy protagonists. That is, if for a boy a photo of "Racer McQueen" or "Spiderman" with "Transformers" on furniture does not fit, and he prefers less popular multimedia creations, then this will complicate the situation a little.

Themed furniture of a child’s room for a boy can emphasize his passion and help develop in a given direction, but with such a choice you should be very careful. Any, even the most interesting hobby at first glance, can quickly get rid of itself, given the inconsistency in the characters of children. Having picked up a certain set, people sometimes are faced with the fact that the baby soon ceases to like it. Therefore, it is recommended to weigh well all the advantages and disadvantages of such an acquisition.

What to look for when choosing

Choosing furniture for a child is a crucial step, which is better to be prepared in advance:

  • Among the abundance of furniture factories, it is worth giving preference to well-known and special industries that have proven themselves by supplying quality goods. Sometimes it’s worth looking for such suppliers abroad;
  • regardless of the level of the manufacturer, he must provide the goods with warranty support and all necessary quality certificates;
  • components and accessories also need to be purchased from manufacturers specializing in this;
  • you should think about materials for the manufacture of furniture. Wood is the most expensive, but the cleanest raw material. MDF and plastic are cheap common materials, but can be toxic;
  • the child’s opinion on the choice of furniture is as important for him as the opinion of the parents. It is worth listening to the baby or analyzing his tastes and preferences for an independent choice of filling the bedroom;
  • Despite the attractiveness of thematic sets, it is recommended to lean towards ordinary modular sets. In this case, the consumer pays for the quality, and not for the exclusivity of the design. Many people pay special attention to Italian furniture, because Italy is considered the country where high-quality furniture is made.

A children's room for a boy is a place of growing up of a future man, so it directly depends on the parents whether the design of his room will bring pleasure to the child. Sometimes it will be useful to remember how we ourselves were children, and we will understand what exactly we lacked in our rooms.



Watch the video: Baby Equipment : Choosing a Baby Crib (October 2024).

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