Art Nouveau Dining Room for Creative People

If you are a person who considers himself modern, then, naturally, you want to have everything only modern, starting from clothes and ending with the interior of the apartment, its design. And if you are also a creative person, then the Art Nouveau style is precisely created for you, because the name of the style itself is translated from French as "modern." The style appeared at the end of the 19th century and immediately became popular, not only in art, but also in architecture and interior.

But for unknown reasons, its popularity quickly passed, and only in the last years of the 20th century this style again, as they say, burst into the modern interior. What is it today, modern style, its features? In this article you will find many answers from this series. And in order not to disperse throughout the apartment, for example, we will consider a modern dining room, decorated in modern style.

Color palette

The Art Nouveau dining room should have natural, natural colors and shades.

It can be such colors and shades as beige, olive, brown (mustard), light green (swamp), the color of gold or silver. And, of course, white. Not a single design style is complete without it. The entire color palette should create a calm, warm and cozy atmosphere in the room.

At the same time, the Art Nouveau style does not imply a strict arrangement of these colors. Here you can find the complete dominance of one color.

In one case, dark tones can be used for the floor, and light colors will be given to the walls. In another, these colors can easily be applied exactly the opposite. Here, in this matter, your taste comes to the fore.

Dining Room Zoning

Typically, the dining room is combined with the kitchen, because it is very convenient in matters of cooking and serving food on the dining table.

In this case, zoning of the total area of ​​the kitchen-dining room just begs itself. This makes the interior of the room more attractive.

There are many options for allocating a separate dining room space. You can do this in the following ways:

  • laying flooring of different structures, colors

  • a two-level ceiling or floor device

  • the installation of a bar or furniture related to a room of a different status

  • separate color background of different tones

  • the installation of a partial partition, which can have both a permanent and temporary basis. Often in these partitions, capital, a place is organized for built-in shelves where you can store tableware or any accessories.

Often, as a partition, Art Nouveau style uses columns. Although simultaneously with this function, the columns are used for their intended purpose - the supporting structure of the ceiling, beams.

Furniture: materials used

Art Nouveau style involves the use of precious wood, marble, ceramics, expensive fabrics. The first two materials dominate the manufacture of modern furniture.

Wooden tables look massive, have traces of a rough finish. But modern sophistication is not alien to modernity, so it is possible to use furniture in the interior that is different from roughly processed. The surface of such furniture is smooth, covered with paint from the modern color palette. Such furniture looks elegant and sophisticated.

The dining table, the slab of which is made of marble, gives a special charm to the dining room. Marble has always been a sign of wealth of its master. From such a table always blew a certain knightly nobility. Agree that such a table will be an excellent decoration of your dining room and an object of admiration for your guests.

If we talk about armchairs, chairs, then their range is quite diverse. There may be chairs that are structurally reminiscent of the last century. And modern designs can be used. From such a variety and freedom of choice, Art Nouveau becomes even more attractive to its fans. A characteristic feature of Art Nouveau furniture is the roundness of the forms, especially this is characteristic of chairs, although tables are not an exception.

Metal is no less popular for the style, however, forged products are almost never used in the interior, but for the manufacture of furniture in this style this material is quite widely used.

Furniture made with metal elements looks modern, light and elegant. The design of chairs, metal chairs is quite diverse, which makes the interior interesting and modern.

Despite the fact that the style prefers the island arrangement of the dining area, nevertheless, if it has the design of a kitchen corner, this will not spoil the interior of your dining room. The main thing is that the general concept of style in color, materials, decor is respected.

Gender: Materials Used

The main requirement for flooring in the dining room is its hygiene. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. From this, one should proceed when choosing a material for flooring. Most housewives prefer the most popular coating - linoleum. There are many advantages - it is easily brought to a clean state, cheapness and ease of installation. Of the varieties of the structure of the material, linoleum imitating wood is popular.

With the appropriate family budget, the floor, covered with parquet, ceramic or laminate, will make your dining room even more beautiful.


In the dining room of the Art Nouveau style, you can safely experiment with lighting. In this case, it is allowed to use both classic chandeliers and modern spotlights.

The lighting of the dining area should be dim, dim. For this, various built-in lamps are most often used.

The chandelier above the dining table can be very diverse - from simple to the most sophisticated and original form. The main thing is that the light from it be diffused.

The style is characterized by dome-shaped lamps, while the material from which they are made is uncritical. The main thing is their dome shape.

Dining room windows

Window openings in a modern dining room are not limited in area. It can be windows along the entire length of the wall, while structurally they can have binders, or it can be presented in the form of a glass wall.

Also, windows can have a limited plane, in the form of small openings. They can be located both at the top of the wall, and at the bottom. Naturally, structurally, they must open to ventilate the room.

If we talk about window decoration, you will not see any special ideas in this matter, since, basically, it is absent: the windows are completely open to your eyes for contemplating the world around us.

Although, the style still cannot do without a classic decor. In the dining room of the Art Nouveau style, you can see window curtains, however, in this case they have more practical significance than decorative. No frills in the decor that are inherent in other styles.

Decor, accessories

Experts recommend placing accessories in large rooms. For small dining rooms, it is best to limit themselves to placing paintings, often abstract, on the wall plane.

The range of accessories is not limited, although preference should be given to modern compositions. Combinations of modern accessories and the "old tradition of the deep" are possible.

The presence in the dining area of ​​any vegetation, not to mention exotic, will undoubtedly decorate it.


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the interior of the Art Nouveau style does not imply an abundance of furniture to please the decor of the room. Everything should be in moderation, even, in some way, with elements of asceticism.

We hope you have received comprehensive information for the full design of your dining room in the Art Nouveau style. You can get more information on this topic here.

Watch the video: Interior Design Tour An Elegant City Condo Filled With Art (October 2024).

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