Sempervivum, or a stone rose - unpretentious beauty. Description and Care Tips

Sempervivum is an amazing plant combining beauty and unpretentiousness. It is difficult to find flowers that give joy and do not require anything in return, and so young among them. Sempervivum is a wonderful plant that combines beauty and unpretentiousness. It is difficult to find a flower that does not require constant and painstaking care, but at the same time gives joy and its splendor. Thawed is one of such flowers.

What it is?

Stone rose is an evergreen frost-resistant perennial plant with large leaves of different colors, collected in spherical rosettes. Belongs to the genus Crassulaceae.

A stone rose begins to bloom with the transformation of the center of the leaf outlet into a peduncle. Before its first flowering, this species lives for several years. But after flowering, the plant dies, thereby freeing up space for nascent daughter outlets.

Youngsters are well adapted to unstable climates and can easily tolerate cold. All species are resistant to drought.

The name of the plant Sempervivum comes from the Latin words "Semper" - "always" and "Vivus" - "alive", for its unique ability to survive in the most adverse conditions of existence. In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that youngsters were able to protect their home from lightning. That is why many people grew these plants on their roof. Also, people believed that these flowers can scare away evil forces, protect their homes from witchcraft.

Watch a video about the young plant and its features:

Description of the appearance of the succulent

The main decoration of the plant are rosettes of large oblong leaves with a pointed tip. Leaves are arranged in a spiral and resemble a bud. They are completely covered with glandular hairs. The sheet plate is resilient and shiny. The colors are green, pinkish, burgundy or silver. They have the ability to change color in the cold period.

The flowers are collected in complex inflorescences and are on a high peduncle. Blossoms young from June to July. Star-shaped flowers. They are white, yellow or pink, have a pleasant smell.

Watch a video about what an amazing flower looked like:

The most popular varieties and species, their photos

Sempervivum roofing

Distributed in the European part of Russia. This species has slightly flattened spherical rosette of leaves, reaching twenty centimeters in diameter. Leaf blades are brown or partially colored purple. This is a late flowering plant. It begins to bloom in July-August and lasts for forty days. Read more about this type of plant in a separate article.


Outlets of this type grow from five to ten centimeters. Differ in pubescence of leaves at a young age.

After the lapse of time, the pubescence disappears, the leaf blades become bare, green or red with a greenish rim.

There are varieties that change the summer brown color of the leaves to winter red.


In the wild, spread to the European part of Russia.

It stands out among other representatives of the genus high growth. In height, it can reach forty centimeters.

The plant is completely covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are dark green, elongated, and pointed at the tips. It becomes blooming from July to August, within thirty to forty days.


Mostly distributed in the highlands of Europe. The shape of this plant resembles a slightly pressed ball on top. Oblong leaves are slightly bent at the tips. In the summer, the leaves are light green, and by the fall they gradually turn brown-red, they are pubescent.

You can familiarize yourself with other varieties of youngsters in this article, and a description of suitable varieties for planting in open ground you will find here.

Useful and medicinal properties of the plant

Since ancient times, this plant has been used as a medicine. Girls used leaves in anti-aging treatments. Often for medicinal purposes use only the leaves that are collected during the flowering period. Leaf infusion helps with coughing, bronchitis.

Fresh leaves of juvenile help with abrasions, bruises, cuts. And the juice of this plant has a whitening property and with its help you can get rid of freckles. For the prevention of diseases and the general strengthening of immunity, you can occasionally add a couple of leaves to salads or okroshka. However, before use, the leaves must be soaked in cold water to get rid of the bitter taste.


Like a potted flower

The main requirement for growing indoor young growth is a well-lit place for the plant. The southern window sill in your home is best.

At home, youngsters rarely reproduce and rarely bloom and children, although they appear, but in small quantities. All this can be changed if you add lighting and give youngsters a rest in the cold season. It is also worth lowering the temperature and stop doing watering for two months.


Growing young from seeds is best between February and March. Germinate seeds at a temperature of twenty degrees. Then planted to a depth of one millimeter. And after a few days, the seeds are already beginning to germinate. Seedlings are placed in a lit place.

The best time for sowing is February - March. Seeds germinate well at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C. When seedlings appear, watering should be moderate, since excessive watering can lead to the death of plants.


This is the second way gardeners recommend. It is necessary to separate the daughter sockets from the mother in the spring or summer. With large sizes of outlets, you can immediately plant them in the ground. And if they are still very small, then it’s worth the wait until they grow up in the garden.

In the open ground

Before planting youngsters in open ground, find a sunny place and clean the area from weeds. Sandy soil should be chosen so that moisture does not stagnate in it. For a stone rose, a very small depression is made in the soil. This is explained by the underdeveloped root system, which is able to "cling" to almost the surface soil layer.


At home

  • Since this plant does not like strong hydration, you should not abuse its watering.
  • Find the place where the most sunlight will fall on it. Stone rose calmly tolerates air temperatures up to forty degrees.
  • In the spring, put the flower pot on the balcony, where he will feel better.

Learn more about caring for this plant at home in this material, and you will find features and nuances of planting and reproduction at home here.

In the open ground

  • Other plants should not give a shadow to the young. His need for direct sunlight.
  • Stone rose needs space.
  • And do not fill the plant with large amounts of water, it is enough to water once every three weeks.

Used in landscape design or not?

Very often this species is used for decorative purposes. With its help form rocky gardens.

Mostly young plants are planted around stones, it looks especially harmoniously around a large boulder.

Looks great young in combination with not very bright and low annuals on the flower beds. One of the latest trends is the planting of a flower on the roofs of houses.


Sempervivum or stone rose is an unpretentious plant that will decorate your home or summer cottage, in return without requiring much care.


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