Room for the little champion

What should a boy's room look like? This is a vast expanse where the most daring young fantasies will be realized. The most important thing here is space. Often, many parents give their son a small room, and in vain. After all, it is children who need a huge amount of space for games and running around.

1. How interesting is it to arrange a room for a boy?

Many parents make the same mistake when planning repairs in a nursery - they do not ask the child for an opinion. But this is very important! Even if you don’t fulfill all his whims, but you’ll listen to something in any case. After all, any room should be created, taking into account the opinion of its inhabitants, even the smallest. Of course, he is unlikely to be able to help you in choosing a material for walls, ceilings or floors. But decide what color they will be within his power. If the boy has chosen a too bright color for wallpaper, do not dissuade him, just dilute the design with other details of calm shades. For example, you can choose less catchy curtains or carpet. Furniture can also be in calm colors, of course, if the baby does not mind. Consult with him on almost all issues that he is able to solve, it will be pleasant and interesting to him. This applies to the design of furniture and its color, decor items and other accessories. Still, the room is made for the child and it is for him to live in it. Therefore, the design should satisfy all the tastes of the boy.

Parents are required to smooth out acute moments, that is, to select furniture without protruding corners so that the child does not get hurt during games. It is also important to give preference to reliable and durable beds that can withstand all pranks and fleeting jumps. Given that the spine of the child is still being formed, choose orthopedic mattresses, this will help strengthen and maintain proper posture.

The desktop is best placed near the window, so that the light hits the front, but it can also be on the left. Natural light is good for eyesight, especially during class.

A closet for things is worth choosing a small one, so as not to clutter up the space again. If all the things do not fit, remove the part to another room, and leave only the most necessary in the nursery. The seasonal change of things happens for sure in every family. For books, you can attach several shelves to the walls - again saving space.

Another important point is that the carpet on the floor should be large for the whole room and be sure to be soft, in case of a fall it will at least slightly reduce the pain. Carpets are unacceptable in the nursery, especially for boys who are constantly running and fooling around. During games, these same tracks will crumple all the time and prevent the child from also stumbling and falling over them.

So, it goes without saying that the boy’s room will not have any ruffles, bows, cute figurines, and possibly even teddy bears. As a decoration, there can be crafts made by the hands of the child himself, his drawings, as well as posters with his beloved cartoon characters.

Some interesting tips
  1. Feng Shui psychologists and specialists consider green and blue to be the most favorable colors for boys' rooms. Both of these colors are cold, which, in turn, favorably affects the mental activity of the child. "Cold sobriety of the mind" - such interiors sometimes characterize. And green, by the way, is also good for the eyes. But it is important to add other shades. In relation to the ceiling, it is advised to use a light blue color.

  1. To make it more interesting for the child to be in his room, you can make furniture in the form of your favorite toys. For example, in our time there are a huge number of designs of bed-cars, cabinets in the form of a tree or a house, shelves in the form of a sun or a cloud, and so on. But all this is in moderation, otherwise such a room will quickly get bored.

  1. It is good if there are living plants in the nursery. It is an additional source of oxygen and carbon dioxide combustion. Yes, and to teach a baby to care for plants is very useful.
  2. Lighting should be uniform, place lights around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. The most successful option would be a room with a large window, for children the presence of light is very important. If you want to add a chandelier, then note that boys prefer modern models over classic and elaborate candelabra.

2. Making the room cozy and safe

As we already mentioned, do not clutter up the nursery with a lot of furniture. The child needs room. There should be only the most necessary and preferably small sizes, but, of course, not at the expense of quality. An important point regarding furniture is functionality. A convenient option would be a bed with a drawer for storing bedding and other necessary things.

Also drawers should be at the desktop, there you can store stationery, decorations, children's magazines and so on. When choosing a chair or chair, give preference to models with a soft back and seat, you can with armrests, and, of course, with a back. Why of course? Because the spine in children is still not strong enough and, accordingly, the back quickly gets tired. Therefore, it is important for them to take a break during class and lean back in a chair (chair).

Buy a cabinet not very high, so that it is convenient for the child to get things himself. You can even make it embedded in the wall. Or, in general, dispensing with shelving - easy and convenient! You can store toys in special bags or boxes with a fun design. For the reception of guests, you can put several chairs, if the area allows. And if there is not enough space, use special soft bag-chairs.

Well, in the case of a very small room or unwillingness to take up space, lay a very soft carpet and let friends communicate and play on the floor. Families living on the ground floor or in a private house, in this case, it is recommended to make the floor in the children's room with heating.

The boy can choose the design and color of furniture himself, but the materials of which it will be made, of course, are chosen by parents. There are many types of materials, you can choose what you like more or fits financially. But, of course, the tree is considered the most high-quality and natural. It is environmentally friendly, therefore, will not harm the baby's health.

It is important to know that wooden furniture is treated with special substances that protect wood from corrosion, bugs and so on. Therefore, when buying or ordering furniture, specify this nuance, namely, what substances the products are coated with, whether they are safe for children.

As for furniture textiles, it is better to choose one so that it is easy to care for, because it will get dirty, oh how often!

Interesting tip for a boy's room

If there is enough free space in the children's room, then install a sports corner there. The son will be very grateful. It is insanely interesting and useful for physical development. And how fun it will play with friends! But you should not be upset for those parents whose children’s room is not spacious. You can simply hang a swing or one rope ladder from the ceiling, and this will please the baby.

3. We place two boys in one room

Each child is an independent person who has his own views and tastes. Both boys will want to have their own things and toys that belong only to him. All this is important to consider when creating a room for two children.

It is not difficult to solve these issues, taking into account the preferences of each child. For example, you can use zoning. It can be different, for example, if the boys have different favorite colors, then you can make half of the room in one color, and the second in another. It will turn out funny. Moreover, the separation can occur in this way: on one wall there is a bed, a desk and a closet for one child, and this half has his favorite shades, and on the other wall put the same furniture for the other kid and arrange everything in the colors that he prefers. Even a carpet can be two-tone, in our time there are such models. Concerning curtains, most likely, such questions will not arise, this detail of an interior infrequently worries boys. Although, if necessary, you can apply color separation here or purchase two strips of curtains of different colors or designs, it’s okay if it looks a little strange, still this is a room for little boys, here they are the owners.

But it is not always necessary to do zoning. Guys can have common tastes or it’s just not very important for them where the color is. In this version of the interior there may be a common wardrobe, for convenience and space saving. There are either two desktops or one large one, so that it is convenient for both to engage. The location of the beds will depend on the preference of the children or the size of the room. You can along the walls, or side by side, symmetrically, dividing by a bedside table or shelving.

For a room with a small area, a bunk bed is suitable. But only on condition that the children are old enough for such a model. The most successful age is 4-5 years. By the way, the model of the bunk bed is good in that it has additional shelves and drawers for storing things or toys. Most often in this role are steps on the second tier.

Everything else that is characteristic of the room of one boy fits two. By the way, a sports corner will be even more in demand here, two boys will play there more often and more fun. You can also set up a tent; this additional playing space will be very popular with children.

Unusual adviceAccording to Feng Shui rules, beds must be placed so that the children sleep with their heads to the East. This stimulates mental activity and favorably affects their development.

4. Boy and girl! How to create a common room for them?

In the case of equipping a room for heterosexual children, the task is a bit more complicated. This is due to the fact that girls love a delicate and romantic interior, and boys are more serious and minimalist. This can also be solved by zoning. Equip one part of the room in soft colors, with ruffles, bows, flowers and dolls, that is, as the girl wants. And for the boy, respectively, with his preferences.

Another option would be mixed design. If a girl does not need these bows and ruffles, then you can make the room in the same style, simply using some neutral color, for example, green, beige, white or orange. They will be appropriate for both children.

As the wallpaper can be images of animals and fairy-tale characters. The beds will look good in the form of a typewriter for a boy and a flower or a sun for a girl. The option of a bunk bed is not ruled out, it can also have an interesting children's design. This may be a variant of a house, a palace, a tree, even a toy car, there are girls who love them more than dolls.

Tip: if you are creating a room for same-sex children with the zoning effect, be sure to make a common play area where children can play together. Otherwise, they will grow each by itself. And if the room has a common play area, then you can make a separate corner for the games of the boy and a separate one for the girl. This is also sometimes useful.

5. Problems and errors in the design of a room for children

  1. The main mistake in creating a room for children is the complete disregard for their desires and tastes. In such a room, the child will not be comfortable. This will negatively affect his mental and, as a consequence, his physical condition.
  2. Another mistake is the imbalance in the color of walls and furniture, which also leads to a deterioration in the mental and physical condition of children, as psychologists note. For example, if the whole room is decorated only in blue or pink, and in any other, then this creates discomfort for the child's body. The most correct is the color variety, it is not necessary to use many colors at once just 2-3 and there will already be a good result.
  3. Sharp corners and massive furniture of impressive sizes are also not suitable for a child's room. About corners, of course, children can get hurt. A large furniture creates a feeling of constraint. Shelves and cabinets hanging over the bed are dangerous simply because they can fall, well, you never know what happens. And they develop various phobias and self-doubt.
  4. Strange design, oddly enough, are not the best option. Making a room in the form of a boudoir for a princess, a spaceship or a house of Winnie the Pooh, you, of course, think about making the child fun and interesting. But it gets bored very quickly. And changing the design will not be so easy.
  5. The big mistake is the children's room "outgrowth". It's just not fair. The child needs childhood now, and not later, when he grows up. Therefore, select furniture, design and accessories by age, so that the baby is interested. By the way, doing the opposite is also undesirable. That is, to leave infant items and furniture in the room of a child who has already grown up.
  6. At the beginning, it was said that the child needs a lot of space for games and entertainment. So, the allocation of a small room is considered a very gross mistake. This adults mostly spend time on the couch watching TV or in an armchair. And children need space, they want to run, jump and frolic.

All this and much more will help to create a really comfortable room for the child that he will like, and this is the most important thing! Learn the features of children, look at them and do not forget that they also have their own character, preferences and tastes. And then everything will surely work out!

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